LAST UPDATED ON : 22-12-2024
  POLICE CONTROL ROOM: 100 / 03582-227800     CHILD LINE : 1098

   COB Police Achievements:
কোচবিহার পুলিশ এর পক্ষ থেকে হারিয়ে যাওয়া মোবাইল ফোন পুনরুদ্ধার করে প্রকৃত মালিকদের হাতে তুলে দিচ্ছেন মাননীয় সুপারিনটেনডেন্ট অফ পুলিশ শ্রী সুমিত কুমার , IPS মহাশয়

গোপন সূত্রে খবর পেয়ে কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশের অন্তর্গত অপরাধ নিবারণ শাখার পুলিশ আধিকারিক গণ অস্ত্র ও গোলাবারুদের পাচারকারী একজন কে আটক করে এবং তল্লাশি চালিয়ে তার কাছ থেকে ৩টি দেশীয় অস্ত্র, ২০ রাউন্ড গোলাবারুদ ও ৬টি পত্রিকা সহ গ্রেফতার করেছে, যিনি দিনহাটার বাসিন্দা জানা গেছে I

গত 20.08.2021 তারিখে গোপন সূত্রে খবর পেয়ে , কোচবিহার জেলার দিনহাটা থানা একটি ট্রাক এবং একটি ছোট গাড়ি আটক করেছে ৷ তল্লাশি চালিয়ে ১২.৮০০ বোতল নিষিদ্ধ কফ সিরাপ উদ্ধার করা হয়েছে যার বাজার মূল্য প্রায় ৬৪ লক্ষ টাকা।

কোচবিহার জেলার অন্তর্গত দিনহাটা থানায় গত ২১.০৮.২০২১ তারিখে একটি ডাকাতির ঘটনার অভিযোগ করা হয়েছিল এবং তা একদিনের মধ্যে পুলিশ তদন্ত করে ৩ জনকে গ্রেপ্তার করেছে , যারা এই অপরাধের সাথে জড়িত বলে জানা গেছে I পুলিশ জিজ্ঞাসা করে লুট করা নগদ 4500/- টাকা সহ তাদের কাছ থেকে একটি গাড়ি এবং ডাকাতির সময় ব্যবহৃত বিভিন্ন জিনিসপত্র উদ্ধার করেছে I

পটকা ব্যবহার ও বিক্রির উপর নিষেধাজ্ঞা জারি করার পরে, কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশ জনসাধারণের মধ্যে সচেতনতা বাড়ে । এছাড়াও অবৈধ পটকা বিক্রির বিরুদ্ধে ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া হয়েছে পাশাপাশি বিপুল পরিমাণ পটকা আটক করা হয়েছে

চুরি হয়ে যাওয়ার একদিনের মধ্যে টোটো উদ্ধার করলো কোচবিহার জেলার মাথাভাঙ্গা থানার পুলিশ গত ৩/৮/২০১৯ তারিখে মাথাভাঙ্গা থানা এলাকাতে একটি টোটো চুরি হয় I তদন্তে নেমে পুলিশ উত্তম শা নামক এক বেক্তিকে গ্রেপ্তার করে এবং তাকে জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ করে, চুরি হয়ে যাওয়ার ২৪ ঘন্টার মধ্যে টোটো টি উদ্ধার করতে সক্ষম হয় I উক্ত ব্যাক্তির বিরুদ্ধে নির্দিষ্ট ধারাতে মামলা রুজু করা হয়েছে I

মাদক দ্রব পাচারের বিরুদ্ধে সাফল্য লাভ করলো কোচবিহার জেলার সাহেবগঞ্জ থানার অন্তর্গত নয়ারহাট তদন্ত কেন্দ্রের অফিসার ও ফোর্স গতকাল ৪/৮/২০১৯ তারিখে মেঘনারায়নেরকুটি এলাকাতে নয়ারহাট তদন্ত কেন্দ্রের বড়োবাবু অভিষেক লামার নেতৃত্বে নাকা ডিউটি চলছিল সেই সময় একটি মোটর সাইকেল তারা আটক করেন পুলিশ দেখে মোটর সাইকেল চালক পালিয়ে যায় মোটর সাইকেল তল্লাশি চালিয়ে ১০০ বোতল ফেনসিডল (PHENSEDYL ) উদ্ধার করে , মোটর সাইকেল চালক /মালিকের বিরুদ্ধে NDPS ধারাতে মামলা রুজু করা হয়েছে .এই প্রকার অভিযান কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশের পক্ষ থেকে চলতে থাকবে

গতকাল ২৬.০৭.২০১৯ তারিখে কোচবিহার জেলার বক্সিরহাট থানাতে খবর আসে যে দুই জন অস্ত্র ব্যবসায়ী বক্সিরহাট থানা এলাকার ভিতর দিয়ে অস্ত্র পাচার করার চেষ্টা করছে I এই খবর পেয়ে থানার অফিসার ও ফোর্স সাদা পোশাকে বক্সিরহাটে জাতীয় সড়কের উপর কড়া নজরদারি চালাতে থাকে I নজরদারি চলাকালীন , দুজন ব্যক্তিকে সন্দেহজনক ভাবে ঘুরতে দেখে পুলিশ আটক করে এবং তল্লাশি চালিয়ে তাদের কাছ থেকে একটি ৭.৬৫ MM পিস্তল এবং ৫ রাউন্ড গুলি বাজেয়াপ্ত করে I ওই দুই ব্যক্তিকে গ্রেপ্তার করা হয়েছে এবং তাদের বিরুদ্ধে অস্ত্র আইনে মামলা রুজু করা হয়েছে I অস্ত্র উদ্ধারের ক্ষেত্রে এটি কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশের একটি বড় সাফল্য I

গত ১১.০৭.২০১৯ তারিখে মাথাভাঙ্গা থানা এলাকা থেকে একটি টোটো চুরি হয় I পুলিশ এই অভিযোগ পাওয়ার পর তৎপর হয়ে ওঠে এবং পুলিশই তাৎপরতায় গত ১৬.০৭.১৯ তারিখে চুরি হয়ে যাওয়া টোটো টি উদ্ধার করা সম্ভব হয় এবং সহিদুল ইসলাম নামে একজন ব্যক্তিকে টোটো চুরির ঘটনাতে গ্রেপ্তার করা হয়

গতকাল ২৫.০৭.২০১৯ তারিখে সমস্ত কোচবিহার জেলা জুড়ে কোচবিহার পুলিশের পক্ষ থেকে অবৈধ মদ ও মদ ব্যবসায়ী , জুয়া , বেপরোয়া যান বাহন চালক ও বিভিন্ন অপরাধ মূলক কাজের সঙ্গে যুক্ত অপরাধীদের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযান চালানো হয় I এই অভিযানে ৩৪৫ জন ব্যক্তিকে মোটর যান আইনের বিভিন্ন ধারাতে জরিমানা করা হয় I জুয়া খেলা , অবৈধ মদের ব্যবসা ও মদ পাচার কারীদের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযান চালিয়ে ২২৮ জন ব্যক্তিকে গ্রেপ্তার করা হয় , ৬৫৩ বোতল মদ উদ্ধার করা হয় ও জুয়ার বোর্ড থেকে ১৪,২৯০/- টাকা বাজেয়াপ্ত করা হয় I পুরোনো মামলা রয়েছে এই প্রকার ১৫৫ জন অপরাধীকে গ্রেপ্তার করা হয় I কোচবিহার জেলাতে শান্তি শৃঙ্খলা বজায় রাখার জন্যে কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশের এই প্রকার অভিযান চলতেই থাকবে I

গত ২২.০৭.২০১৯ তারিখে কোচবিহার খাগড়াবাড়ি নাট্যসংঘর বাসিন্দা সুবীর সাহা পুন্ডিবাড়ি থানাতে তার নিজস্ব BOLERO PICK-UP গাড়ি চুরির অভিযোগ দায়ের করেন I অজ্ঞাতপরিচয় ব্যক্তিদের বিরুদ্ধে একটি চুরির মামলা রুজু করা হয় I তদন্তে নেমে পুন্ডিবাড়ি থানার অফিসার ASI তপন কুমার রায় জয়গাঁ থানার সহযোগিতায় উক্ত চুরির যাওয়া গাড়িটি উদ্ধার করেন I ঘটনার ঘটার মাত্র ৫ ঘন্টার মধ্যে পুলিশের তৎপরতায় উক্ত গাড়িটি উদ্ধার করা সম্ভব হয় I

অবৈধ মদের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযান চালিয়ে সাফল্য লাভ করলো ঘোকসাডাঙ্গা থানা I গোপন সূত্রে খবর পেয়ে ঘোকসাডাঙ্গা থানার অফিসার স্বপন কুমার রায় বড়শৌলমারি এলাকা থেকে শ্রীমন ওরাও নামের এক ব্যক্তি কে আটক করে এবং তার কাছ থেকে ৪০ বোতল অবৈধ মদ উদ্ধার করে I উক্ত ব্যক্তির বিরুদ্ধে নির্দিষ্ট ধারায় মামলা রুজু করা হয় I

গত ২২.০৭.২০১৯ তারিখে হাজরা পাড়ার বাসিন্দা , লিটন পাল তার মোটর সাইকেল নিয়ে বাজারে যান I সেখান থেকে তার মোটর সাইকেল টি চুরি হয়ে যায় I তৎক্ষণাৎ লিটন বাবু কোতোয়ালি থানায় গিয়ে অভিযোগ দায়ের করেন I অভিযোগ পেয়ে কোতোয়ালি থানার আই .সি সাহেবের নেতৃত্বে থানার অফিসার দেবাশীষ রঞ্জন দেব ও অন্যান্য পুলিশবৃন্দ ঘটনার তদন্তে নামে এবং গোপন সূত্রে খবর পেয়ে দেওয়ানহাট এলাকা থেকে চুরি যাওয়া মোটর সাইকেল টি ২৪ ঘন্টার মধ্যে উদ্ধার করেন I

একটি গাছ একটি প্রাণ, গাছ লাগান সমাজ বাঁচান – এই শ্লোগান কে সামনে রেখে কোচবিহার জেলার ঘোকসাডাঙা থানার পুলিশ কর্মী বৃন্দ থানা চত্তর এবং তৎ সংলগ্ন এলাকা তে ৫০ টি বৃক্ষ রোপণ করেন। সমাজের সর্ব স্তরের মানুষ কে এই প্রকার বৃক্ষ রোপণ কর্মসূচী গ্রহণ / ব্যবস্থা করার জন্য আহবান করছে কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশ প্রশাসন।

গত কাল ইং ১২.০৭.১৯ তারিখে মাথাভাঙ্গা থানা এবং বি .এস .এফ এর ১৪০ নম্বর ব্যাটেলিয়ন এর যৌথ উদ্যোগে গোপন সূত্রের উপর ভিত্তি করে মাথাভাঙ্গা থানার ইচ্ছাগঞ্জ এলাকা তে মাদক বিরোধী অভিযান চালানো হয় / একটি গাড়ি আটক করা হয় এবং গাড়ির ভিতরে থাকা ০২ জন লোক কেও আটক করা হয় / তাদের কাছ থেকে তল্লাশি চালিয়ে ০৩ টি প্যাকেট পাওয়া যায় যার মধ্যে ৭৯০ গ্রাম আফিম ছিল / এই ০২ ব্যক্তির নাম ১. মানা বর্মন ২. আবুবক্কর সিদ্দিক / এরা দুজন মাদক পাচার এর সঙ্গে যুক্ত / মাদক বিরোধী অভিযানে এটা কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশের একটি বড়োসড়ো সাফল্য/

গতকাল ১৬.০৭.১৯ তারিখে সারা কোচবিহার জেলা জুড়ে মদ , জুয়া , এবং বেপোরোয়া যান বাহন চালকদের বিরুদ্ধে বিশেষ অভিযান চালানো হয় I এই অভিযানে কোচবিহার জেলার সব থানার অফিসার এবং ফোর্স অংশ গ্রহণ করে I এই অভিযানে অপ্রাপ্ত বয়স্ক বেপরোয়া মোটরসাইকেল চালকদের বিরুদ্ধে বিশেষ ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হয় I দিনহাটা মহিলা থানার পক্ষ থেকে হেলমেট বিহীন চালকদের বিশেষ সতর্কতামূলক বার্তা দেওয়া হয় I গোটা জেলা জুড়ে সর্বমোট ৫৫৬ জন ব্যক্তি কে মোটরযান আইনের বিভিন্ন ধারায় জরিমানা করা হয় I অন্যদিকে শীতলকুচি থানার পুলিশ ৬ জন কে জুয়া খেলার অপরাধে আটক করে এবং তাদের বিরুদ্ধে মামলা রুজু করা হয় I এই ধরনের অভিযান লাগাতার চলতে থাকবে I

কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশ সপ্তাহব্যাপী বৃক্ষ রোপন কর্মসূচী গ্রহণ করেছে I তার অঙ্গ হিসাবে আজকে ১৪.০৭.১৯ তারিখে কোচবিহার জেলার কোতোয়ালি থানা , দিনহাটা থানা , মাথাভাঙ্গা থানা , শীতলকুচি থানা , কোচবিহার সদর মহিলা থানা সর্বমোট ২০০ টি চারা গাছ তাদের নিজ নিজ থানা এলাকা তে রোপন করেন I অন্যদিকে কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশ সুপার মাননীয় ড: সন্তোষ নিম্বালকার, আই, পি , এস মহাশয় কোচবিহার ব্লাইন্ড স্কুলে চারা গাছ রোপন করেন I সপ্তাহব্যাপী এই কর্মসূচী চলবে I

গতকাল ১৩.৭.১৯ তারিখে গোপন সূত্রে খবর পেয়ে কোচবিহার কোতোয়ালি থানার আইসি সাহেবের নেতৃত্বে থানার অন্যান্য অফিসার এবং ফোর্স কোতোয়ালি থানা এলাকার পশারীরহাট -চিল্কিরহাট রাস্তা তে ১. প্রশান্ত বর্মন এবং ২. লিটন শীল নামের দুইজন ব্যক্তি কে আটক করে ও তল্লাশি চালিয়ে তাদের কাছ থেকে একটি CARBINE আগ্নেয়াস্ত্র উদ্ধার করা হয় / প্রাথমিক তদন্তে জানা যায় যে ওই দুই ব্যক্তি এলাকাতে কোনো প্রকার অপরাধ মূলক কাজ করার জন্যই এসেছিল / পুলিসি তৎপরতায় ওই এলাকা তে অপরাধ সংগঠিত হবার আগেই ওই দুজন ব্যক্তি কে গ্রেপ্তার করা হয় এবং অস্ত্র আইনে একটি মামলা রুজু করা হয় / কোচবিহার জেলা কে অপরাধ মুক্ত করার জন্য জেলা পুলিশের এই ধরণের অভিযান লাগাতার চলতে থাকবে /

গত ৩/৭/১৯ তারিখে কোচবিহার পুলিশ লাইনে কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশের উদ্যোগে বিগত বৎসরে মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চমাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষায় পুলিশ পরিবারের কৃতি ছাত্র ছাত্রী যাহারা ৭০, ৮০ এবং ৯০ শতাংশের বেশি নাম্বার অর্জন করেছে তাদের হাতে তুলে দেওয়া হল যথাক্রমে তিন হাজার, চার হাজার ও দশ হাজার টাকার চেক এবং পুস্পস্তবক । অনুষ্ঠানে ছাত্র ছাত্রী অভিভাবক এবং অনান্য পুলিশ কর্মীদের মাঝে উপস্থিত ছিলেন জেলার পুলিশ সুপার মহাশয়।

রবিবার সন্ধ্যা । রথের মেলা দেখতে দিনহাটা সংহতি ময়দানে অন্যানদের সঙ্গে হাজির হয়েছিলেন অনিমাদেবী । সঙ্গে থাকা ব্যাগটা খুব যত্ন করে আটকে রেখেছিলেন ভিড়ের মাঝে । হটাৎই তার মনে হয় ব্যাগটাকে টেনে নিয়ে গেলো কেউ । ঠিকই তাই , ব্যাগের মধ্যেকার মোবাইল , টাকা , চশমা , চাবি সবই নিমেষে উধাও । ভদ্রমহিলা আর দেরি করেননি । সোজা দিনহাটা থানায় এসে অভিযোগ করেন। তৎপর হয় পুলিশ এবং ঘন্টা দুয়েকের তল্লাশি আর ধরপাকড়ের পর পাকড়াও হয় দুষ্কৃতী , আর উদ্ধার করা হয় টাকা, চশমা , মোবাইল, চাবিও , ফিরিয়ে দেওয়া হয় অনিমা দেবীর হাতে । রথের মেলায় সুখের রেশ বজায় রইলো তার চোখে মুখে আর কোচবিহার জেলাপুলিশের পরিষেবায় ।

আজকে ১৭.০৭.২০১৯ তারিখে , কোচবিহার মহিলা থানার আধিকারিক বৃন্দ কোচবিহার শহর নিউ টাউন বালিকা বিদ্যালয়ে একটি সামাজিক সচেতনতা বিষয়ক অনুষ্ঠানের আয়োজন করেন I উক্ত অনুষ্ঠানে বিদ্যালয়ের ছাত্রীদের ইভটিজিং , মহিলা পাচার , মহিলাদের উপর বিভিন্ন ধরনের অপরাধ , শিশুদের যৌন হেনস্থা - ইত্যাদি অপরাধ মূলক কার্যাদির বিষয়ে সচেতনতা মূলক বার্তা দেওয়া হয় I এর পাশাপাশি পথ নিরাপত্তা সংক্রান্ত বিষয়ে ছাত্রীদের অবহিত করা হয় I উক্ত অনুষ্ঠানে বিদ্যালয়ের ছাত্রীরা অংশ গ্রহণ করেন I কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশের এই প্রকার সচেতনতা মূলক অনুষ্ঠান চলতেই থাকবে I

অদ্য ১৮.০৭.২০১৯ তারিখে সকাল অনুমান ৭.০০ টার সময় ঘোকসাডাঙ্গা থানার পুলিশ গোপন সূত্রে খবর পায় , জয়ন্তীর হাট এলাকাতে অবৈধ ভাবে মদ পাচার হচ্ছে I খবর পাওয়া মাত্রই থানার অফিসার ও ফোর্স সাদা পোশাকে ওই এলাকাতে যান এবং তল্লাশি চালিয়ে জলধর বর্মন নামের এক ব্যক্তিকে আটক করেন তার কাছ থেকে ৬০ বোতল দেশি মদ উদ্ধার করা হয় I অপরাধী ব্যক্তির বিরুদ্ধে নির্দিষ্ট ধারাতে মামলা রুজু করা হয়েছে I অবৈধ মদের বিরুদ্ধে এই প্রকার অভিযান লাগাতার চলতে থাকবে I

অদ্য ১৮.০৭.২০১৯ তারিখে সকাল অনুমান ১১.০০ নাগাদ বক্সিরহাট থানাতে গোপন সূত্রে খবর আসে যে , একটি ট্রাকে গোপন ভাবে আসাম থেকে শিলিগুড়ির দিকে অবৈধ মদ পাচার হচ্ছে I খবর পেয়ে থানার অফিসার ও ফোর্স জাতীয় সড়কের উপর নাকা চেকিং শুরু করেন এবং একটি ট্রাক আটক করেন I উক্ত ট্রাকের ড্রাইভারকে আটক করে ১০০ কার্টুন বিদেশী মদ উদ্ধার করা হয় যার আনুমানিক বাজার মূল্য ২ লক্ষা ৫০ হাজার টাকা I ড্রাইভাররের বিরুদ্ধে নির্দিষ্ট ধারায় মামলা রুজু করা হয়েছে I

গত ১৬/০৭/২০১৯ তারিখে মাথাভাঙ্গা থানার কেশরিবারি এলাকাতে একজন ব্যক্তি চুরির দায়ে গ্রামবাসীদের হাতে ধরা পড়ে I খবর পেয়ে মাথাভাঙ্গা থানার পুলিশ উক্ত এলাকাতে ঐ ব্যক্তিকে গ্রেপ্তার করার জন্য যান I কিন্তু ক্ষীপ্ত গ্রামবাসীরা ঐ ব্যক্তি কে পুলিশের হাতে না তুলে দিয়ে নিজেরই মারধর করতে উদ্যত হয় I পরিস্থিতি ভীষন জটিল হয়ে পরে I সেই সময় ঐ এলাকার পাঁচজন ছেলে - অনন্ত বর্মন , উদয় বর্মন , সন্দীপ বর্মন , চিরঞ্জিত বর্মন এবং প্রসন্ন বর্মন গ্রামবাসীদের ভুল সিদ্ধান্তের বিরুদ্ধে রুখে দাঁড়ান I তারা বলেন পুলিশকে আইন মোতাবেক ব্যবস্থা গ্রহন করার সুযোগ দিতে হবে I তারা একপ্রকার গ্রামবাসীদের বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই করে ঐ ব্যক্তিকে সুরক্ষিত অবস্থাতে পুলিশের গাড়িতে তুলে দেন এবং পুলিশের গাড়িকে নির্বিঘ্নে এলাকার থেকে বের করার ব্যবস্থা করেন I ঐ পাঁচজন ছেলে তাদের এই কৃতকর্মের মাধ্যমে শুধুমাত্র যে পুলিশকে আইন মোতাবেক ব্যবস্থা গ্রহন করতে সাহায্য করেছেন তাই নয় , তারা গ্রামবাসীদের আইন বিরুদ্ধ কাজ করা থেকে বিরত রাখতে পেরেছেন I ওই পাঁচজন ছেলেকে মাথাভাঙ্গা থানা তথা কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশের পক্ষ থেকে মাথাভাঙ্গা থানাতে ডেকে সংবর্ধনা দেওয়া হয় I কোচবিহার জেলা পুলিশ সমগ্র কোচবিহার জেলা বাসীকে কোনো প্রকার আইন- বিরুদ্ধ কাজ না করতে এবং আইন রক্ষার বিষয়ে পুলিশকে সর্বতো ভাবে সাহায্য করার জন্য আহবান জানাচ্ছে I

আজ ২১.০৭.২০১৯ তারিখে অবৈধ মদের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযান চালিয়ে সাফল্য লাভ করলো কোচবিহার জেলার দিনহাটা থানার পুলিশ I গোপন সূত্রে খবর পেয়ে দিনহাটা থানার অফিসার এবং ফোর্স সুরেশ বর্মন নামে এক ব্যক্তিকে ৬০ বোতল অবৈধ মদ সহকারে আটক করে যার বাজার মূল্য আনুমানিক ১০,০০০/- টাকা I নির্দিষ্ট ধারায় উক্ত ব্যক্তির বিরুদ্ধে মামলা রুজু করা হয়েছে I দিনহাটা থানার পক্ষ থেকে এই রকম অভিযান লাগাতার চলতেই থাকবে I

1) Dinhata PS Case No 481/18 dated 23.12.2018 u/s 25(1-a)/27 Arms Act, 1959 was started on the complaint of SI Satyabrata Kanjilal of Dinhata PS, Coochbehar against Nazrul Hoque S/o Lt Abul Hussain Miah of R.K Payasti, PS Dinhata, Coochbehar to the effect that about 6/7 days ago one video became viral of a mob armed with Lathi and Dah and one person was carrying arms and firing in the air. Police team was in look out of accused person and verifying the place where the incident had happened during last Panchayet Election and the person was identified as Nazrul Haque of R.K Payasti, PS Dinhata, Coochbehar. On 23.12.18 on the basis of source information, his house was raided and he was arrested and one iron made improvised automatic firearms loaded with one live 7.65 ammunition also recovered. Arrest-01.

Sahebganj PS Case No. 485/18 dated 11.11.18 U/S- 25(1)(a)/27/35 Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of ., SI Hemant Sharma, OC Sahebganj PS, Cooch-Behar against accused person, namely, Uttam Barman @ Upen Barman (30) S/O Man Mohan Barman of Vill: Uttar Barosakdal, Hedarhat, PS Sahebganj, Cooch-Behar (permanent resident of Vill: Jitpur-II, PO: Nigamnagar, PS Sahebganj, Cooch-Behar) along with the seized 7 mm Country-made improvised firearms having magazine fitted on it and lodged a written complaint against the arrested accused person to the effect that on 09.11.18 a picture of an unknown person by holding a firearms with separate Magazine in his hand (7 mm pistol) went viral in social media and news portal

Dinhata P.S Case No.386/18 dated 01.10.2018 u/s 25 (1) Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Raju Roy of Dinhata PS against accused Naresh Chandra Debnath (39) S/O Lt. Lakshmi Kanta Debnath of Baro Atiabari PS- Dinhata Dist Coochbehar to the effect that during last week in the month of August 2018, one face book post of accused Naresh Chandra Debnath was viral in which he uploaded picture holding a Combine Sub Machine Gun under caption

Sahebganj P.S Case No.417/18 dated 18.09.2018 u/s 25(1)(a) of Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of Hukum Ali S/O Late Amir Ali of Vill+PO-Sukarurkuthi, PS-Sahebganj, Cooch-Behar against Naren Sen S/O Late Kesta Sen of Vill+PO Tharaikhana, PS-Sahebganj, Cooch-Behar to the effect that on 18.09.18 at about 11:30 hrs while the accused person was going towards Sukarurkuthi GP office at Dhaprahat Bazar, was detained by local people of Dhaprahat Bazar with 25 arrows (.) The local people and the complainant informed the Police about the matter (.) Meanwhile, Police from Sahebganj PS arrived at the spot and arrested the above noted accused person and recovered 25 arrows from his possession (.) This is to be used against the opposition Panchayat members which entitled to become Sukarurkuthi GP Prodhan (.) One person arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.)

Mathabhanga P.S Case No.284/18 dated 18.09.2018 u/s 20(b)(ii)(c) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Mohitlal Mandal, O/C Nishiganj OP under Mathabhanga PS, Coochbehar (.) The fact of the case in brief is that acting upon source information regarding illegal carrying of ganja by vehicle bearing Registration No HR 55V 5118 and HR 55Q 5508 vide Nishiganj Police Out Post under PS Mathabhanga Dist Coochbehar GDE No 439 Dt 18.09.18 , SI Mohit lal Mandal along with other officer and force had been to Nishiganj Naka Checking point and detained the above noted 02 goods loaded vehicle along with 03 persons namely (i) Prathvi Raj (54yrs) s/o Lt Lakhan Sing of Faratpura PS Faratpura Dist Manpuri Uttar Pradesh (Driver of truck HR 55V 5118) (ii) Nakul Tewary (22yrs) s/o Ramnath Tewary of Magupur PS Bharthana Dist Etawah , Uttar Pradesh( Khalashi of Truck No HR 55V 5118) (iii) Sailen Singh (22yrs) s/o Bharat Singh of Bichma PS Bichma Dist Mainpuri Uttarpradesh (Driver of Truck No HR 55Q 5508) and after taking all formalities search has been done in presence of Executive magistrate Sri Chandrasen Khati and local witnesses and recovered total 21 packets of ganja wrapped with red colored cello tap from the cabin of the vehicle No HR 55Q 5508 and total 18 packets of ganja wrapped with brown colored cello tap from the cabin of the vehicle No HR 55V 5118 , total 39 packet from both vehicle , weighing 03 quintal 06 kg and 700 grams of ganja were recovered and seized from the possession of above noted accused persons under proper seizure list and label on 18.09.18 in between 14.45hrs to 20.05hrs which they were carrying illegally as well as arrested the above noted 03 accused in connection with above noted GDE reference under proper arrest memo . On interrogation above noted accused confessed that they will received the said ganja from one Topo @ Tapash Roy @ Sarkar of Bhoterhat PS Kotwali Dist Coochbehar and one Gokul Sarkar of Kargilbazar , Bhogdabri PS Sitalkuchi Dist Coochbehar they also stated that they will carrying the said ganja from Tapurhat to Delhi for its clandestine disposal. Over this started above noted case and endorse me to for its investigation , accordingly I SI Badhan Ch Roy took up its investigation (.) Three persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O SI Badhan Ch Roy (.) I/C Mathabhanga P.S supervised the case (.)

Sahebganj P.S Case No.423/18 dated 23.09.2018 u/s 411/413/414 IPC & R/W Sec 25 (1)(a)/27 Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of SI. Hemant Sharma OC Sahebganj PS, CBR was coming from Dinhata towards Burirhat through Prantik Bazar and while he was about to reach Burirhat Bazar (about 300 mts away) under Sahebganj PS, he noticed a small car (steel deep grey coloured) parked on the road in-between Prantik Bazar and Burirhat Bazar with headlights-on. He stopped the Police vehicle in front of the said vehicle giving no chance to flee away. He saw two persons inside the car on the frontal two seats and opened the door of the driver

Tufanganj P.S Case No.377/18 dated 30.09.2018 u/s 25(1-B)(a)/27/35 Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of ASI Biswa nath Saha of Tufanganj PS Dist. Cooch Behar against the following accused persons to the effect that on 29.09.18 at about 23.05 hrs received an information from secret source that two(02) persons were suspiciously moving at Ghogarkuthi Kalibari near Gdhadhar Bridge under Tufanganj PS and they were carrying firearms and ammunitions. On getting such information the matter in the notice of O/C and after getting his permission the matter. Thereafter ASI Biswa nath Saha along with ASI Subir Das and force all of Tufanganj PS, Dist Coochbehar left from PS for Ghogarkuthi Kalibari near Gdhadhar Bridge to work out the said source information. on reaching Ghogarkuthi Kalibari near Gdhadhar Bridge at about 00:05 hrs kept our Govt. Vehicle at a reasonable distance from the Ghogarkuthi Natun bazaar and precededed towards Ghogarkuthi Kalibari near Gdhadhar Bridge by foot and thereafter source identified the two persons who were roaming suspiciously with carrying firearms and ammunitions on Ghogarkuthi Kalibari near Gdhadhar Bridge. On seeing the police party they tried to flee away by run but they could not succeed. On interrogation, they disclosed themselves and on search, recovered i] one (01) improvised iron made pistol having trigger, firing pin, butt, body, and barrel with magazine of 9 mm bore ammunition recovered from the exclusive possession of detained person Chandi Barman (33 yers) S/O Lt. Upendra Barman of Ghogarkuyhi Barobhita PS- TFG/CBR and ii] two (02) rounds of 09 mm live ammunitions recovered from the possession of detained person Badal Kundu (43 years) S/O Lt. Sukumar Kundu. On demand they failed to produce any valid license in support of carrying such arms and ammunitions (.) Two persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O SI Sourindra Sarkar (.) C.I Tufanganj supervised the case (.)

Pundibari PS Case No. 282/18 Dated 06/09/2018 U/S 25(1-a)/27 Arms Act. Arms Act, 1959 has been started on the complainant of SI Ananda Saha of PS Pundibari, Dist. Cooch Behar (.) On 05.09.18 at about 00.05 hrs, working on a source information, the complainant along with other officer and force of Pundibari PS apprehended accused persons namely (1) Biswajit Mallick (30) @ Rupak S/O Bikesh Mallick of Dakshin Khapaidanga, P.S. Pundibari, Dist. Coochbehar (2) Moshraf Hossain (20) S/O Alkash Hossain of Taraiguri, Kadamtala, Chakchaka, P.S. Pundibari, Dist. Coochbehar (3) Charanjit Barman (27) S/O Late Ramen Ch. Barman of Dakhin Khapaidahga, P.S. Pundibari, Dist. Coochbehar (4) Ziaul Ahmed (27) S/O Jaliluddin Ahmed of Taraiguri, Kadamtala, Chakchaka P.S. Pundibari, Dist. Coochbehar and seized one iron made improvised automatic pistol, two motorcycles and four mobile phones (.) On demand, they failed to produce any valid documents or license in support of possessing the said firearms (.) On interrogation accused Biswajit Mallick (30) @ Rupak S/O Bikesh Mallick made contradictory statements in different times and finally he confessed that he along with accused Charanjit Barman came there for selling firearms to accused Moshraf Hossain and Ziaul Ahmed (.) Four persons arrested

Started Pundibari P.S Case No. 261/18 Date- 28.08.2018 U/S- 25/27 Arms Act (.) On the basis of written complaint of SI. Sanjib Sarkar of PS Pundibari, Dist. Cooch Behar against Nikhil Barman (30 yrs) S/O Rati Kanta Barman of Purba Dharmabarer Kuthi, P.S. Pundibari, P.S. Dist Coochbehar to the effect that on 27.08.18 during complainant night mobile duty Vide Pundibari PS G.D.E No- 1938 Dt. 27/08/18, at about 23.05 hrs complainant received a secret source information that the above noted accused person has planned to come at Madhupur area with fire arms for illegal purpose. After receiving this information, he informed this matter to O/C Pundibari P.S. and as per his direction complainant along with officer and force to work out the source information and, at about 23:25 hrs the source has shown us the above noted accused person who was standing alone at near his house area . Seeing police party the said person tried to flee away from there but our police party somehow managed to apprehend him and on being asked he disclosed his identity as mentioned above. Then complainant called two local witnesses namely, (1) Bikash Debnath S/O Lt. Nihar Debnath of Chandan Chowra,, Modhupur, PS- PDB/CBR (2) Arnab Pandit S/O Ashit Pandit of DO, and after arrival of the said two witnesses he searched him and recovered the 1) One iron made automatic Pistol having trigger, trigger guard, hammer, firing pin, slide, barrel, barrel catch, magazine, magazine catch, and the butt is covered by wooden plate, mark as

REF TFG P.S CASE NO 325/18 DT 25.08.18 U/S 25(1-B)(a)/27/35 Arms Act. Started the above noted case on the basis of written complainant of ASI Parimal Roy of Tufanganj PS Dist. Cooch Behar do here by lodged a written complaint against the following accused persons to the effect that on 25.08.18 at about 06.05 hrs received an information from secret source that four(04) persons were suspiciously moving at Chilakhana Bazar (towards Natabari road) and they all were carrying firearms and ammunitions.on getting such information the matter in the notice of O/C and after getting his permission the matter. Thereafter ASI Parimal Roy along with ASI Biswanath Saha, ASI Ram kr. Roy and force all of Tufanganj PS, Dist Coochbehar left from PS for Chilakhana Bazar to work out the said source information.on reaching Chilakhana bazaar (towards Natabari road) at about 06:40 hrs kept our Govt. Vehicle at a reasonable distance from the chilakhana bazaar and preceded towards chilakhana bazaar by foot and thereafter source identify the four persons who were roaming suspiciously with carrying firearms on Natabari road , Chilakhana. On seeing the police party they tried to feel away by run but they could not succeed. They managed to apprehend them. On interrogation, they disclosed themselves as noted above. On search, recovered one (01) handmade iron pipe gun (one shutter) which loaded one (01) round of 08 mm live ammunition recovered from the exclusive possession of detained person Hachen Ali. One (01) handmade iron pipe gun (one shutter) which loaded one (01) round of 08 mm live ammunition recovered from the exclusive possession of detained person Saddam Hossain. Four (04) rounds of 08 mm live ammunitions recovered from the left side pocket of wearing pant of Delwar Hossain. One (01) 7.65 mm pistol loaded with emty magazine recovered from the exclusive possession of Rahul Hoque. On demand they failed to produce any valid license in support of carrying such arms and ammunitions.

Started Kotwali PS Case No. 469/18 Dated 14.08.18 U/S 25 (1) (a)/27/35 Arms Act. On the basis of the written compliant of ASI Uttam Chettri of Kotwali PS, CBR produced and arrested 02 persons namely (i) Kuddus Ali (25 Yrs) S/O Subedar Mia of Deanhat, Mowamari, PS KOT/CBR, (ii) Abdul Mannan (21 Yrs) S/O Fazley Haque of Malirhat, GosaniMari, PS DHT/CBR and FIR named not arrested accused person owner of the Maruti Van bearing Regd. No. WB

Started Kotwali PS Case No. 468/18 Dated 14.08.18 U/S 25 (1) (a)/27/35 Arms Act. r/w sec 4/5 Explosive Substance Act. On the basis of the written compliant of ASI Debasish Ranjan Deb of Kotwali PS, CBR produced and arrested 04 persons namely (i) Lokman Hakim (25 Yrs) S/O Kasem Ali of Kharija Naldhondra, Putimari Fuleswari, (ii) Ijajul Islam (30 Yrs) S/O Lt. Ismail Mia of Deurhat both under PS KOT/CBR, (iii) Liton Mia (26 Yrs) S/O Noor Islam of Malirhat, GosaniMari, and (iv) Asraful Haque (21 yrs) S/O Anarul Haque of Voram, Gitaldah both under PS DHT/CBR and FIR named not arrested accused person owner of the Bolero Jeep bearing Regd. No. WB

Sitalkuchi PS GDE no. 593./18 dt. 11.08.18 u/s 10 of WBGPC Act. sized Rs.32580/- as board money and playing card & arrested 11 persons.

Dinhata P.S Case No 308/18 Dated 11.08.18 u/s 25(1-A)/27 of Arms Act:- SI Joydeep Modak produced one accused Hamidul Haque (20) S/O Jahedul Haque of Bhoram Payesthi PS Dinhata/CBR along with the articles under seizure

Dinhata PS Case No 304/18 Dated 10.08.18 u/s 25(1-A)/27 of Arms Act:- on 10.08.18, SI Raju Roy of Dinhata PS returned to PS and produced Minarul Islam @ Mrinal (27) S/O Abdul Latif Miah of Alokjhari , Near Gandhi Club PS Dinhata/CBR under arrest and the following articles under seizure - 1) One improvised semi automatic iron made firearms with barrel, firing pin, hammer, trigger, measuring about 06.07 inches loaded with empty magazine [Marked as Exhibit

MKG PS CASE NO. 237/18 DT. 10.08.18 U/S. 21(c) of the NDPS Act. r/w sec 379/411/413 IPC Started above referred case on the basis of written complaint of SI Debasish Adhikary of Mekhliganj PS/CBR to the effect that on 10.08.18 SI Debasish Adhikary and officer and force on warking out source information for recovery of stolen articles in c/w MKG PS case no. 78/18 dt. 18.03.18 u/s. 379 IPC. held raid at the house of one Siraj Pramanik S/O Mukummuddin Pramanik of 77 Niztaraf PS MKG/CBR and during search recovered some contravene articles (Cough syrup) and other stationary goods which were kept in the steel showcase of the bed room of the aforesaid person. On demand the person could not produce any valid /documents in respect of possession of the above said articles and also further stated that he has procured the same by stolen means to smuggle to Bangladesh through IB border

Dinhata P.S Case No.292/18 dated 05.08.2018 u/s 25 (1-A)/27/ 35 Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Satyabrata Kanjilal of Dinhata PS against accused 1) Hiten @ Hiru Roy (28) S/O Subash Roy of Alokjhari ( Purbo) Near Gandhi Club PS Dinhata/CBR 2) Chhoton Barman (19) S/O Chittoranjan Barman of Do to the effect that on 05.08.18 at about 17.40 as per information refer to Dinhata PS GDE no. 282 Dated 05.08.18, complainant along with his team went to Krishimela, at about 17.55 hrs, he and his team arrived there and started ambushing at about 19.15 hrs they detained two suspects carrying a nylon bag, but they started fleeing away, somehow complainant restrained them. During search he recovered 1) One improvised semi automatic iron made firearms with barrel, firing pin, hammer, trigger, measuring about 06.07 inches loaded three live 7.65 ammunition in magazine [Marked as Exhibit

Sahebganj PS Case No. 352/18 Dated 31.07.18 U/S- 20 (b) (ii) (C) of NDPS Act. One Shri Jay Prakash AC 38 Bn BSF, Karala BOP, PS Sahebganj, Coochbehar lodge a written complaint that on 31.07.18 at about 19:45 hrs. after producing apprehended accused Jalil Ali 32 yrs S/O Lutfar Ali of Kishamat Karala-I, PS Sahebganj, Coochbehar at near BOP Karala, BP No. 932/2-S along with 68 Kgs and 500 grms of ganja to the effect that on 31.7.18 in-between 10:00-10:45 hrs., the BSF hold raid in the house of Jaidul Hoque of Kishamat Karala II under Sahebganj PS ( beyond IB fence) and apprehended the above noted accused and seized the noted Ganja.

1. Started Pundibari P.S Case No. 219/18 Date- 25.07.2018 U/S- 399/402 IPC R/W Sec. 25/27/35 Arms Act. On 25.07.18 at 02:25 hrs SI Prashanta Biswas OC Pundibari PS lodge a written complainant after producing accused namely at (1) Omr Ali (27 Years) S/O Lt. Jamiruddin Miah of Dakshin Takagachh, PS Pundibari, CBR (2) Aminur Hoque @ Amu (33) S/O Lt. Samser Ali of Kaminir ghat, Takagachh, PS PNB/CBR (3) Mominur Islam @ Mantu ( 24) S/O Khadimul Islam of Takagachh, Battala, PS PNB/CBR and also seized articles (1) One iron made improvised automatic pistol having trigger, trigger guard firing pin, barrel, magazine made in USA measuring 20 cm long loaded with 02 round live ammunition in magazine and one extra magazine (2) one sword measuring about 38

Sitai P.S Case No.81/18 dated 11.07.2018 u/s 147/148/149/323/325/326/186/353/307/ 506/120B IPC R/W Section 25/27 Arms Act , 3 / 4 Explosive Substance Act , 9 / 10 MPO Act and 3 /4 PDPP Act. has been started on the complaint of Sri Debdatta Banerjee of I/C Sitai P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 11.07.18 at 14.15 hrs SI Debasis Roy along with force had been to New Bazar for the investigation Sitai PS Case No. 80/18 dt. 11.07.18 U/S 147/148/149/506 IPC, R/W Sec 25/27 Arms Act & 9(b) IE Act (.) After reaching at New Bazar SI Debasis Roy found a gathering of unlawful mob around 150/175 members (.) Accordingly SI Debasis Roy informed me (.) Immediately the complainant informed SDPO DHT about the matter and requsted him to come with the additional force (.) At around 16:30 hrs the complainant along with Police officers and force under the leadership of SDPO DHT had been to New Bazar to search the house of the Nur Mahammad Pramanik (.) But as soon as the police team reached their Nur Mahammad Pramanik ordered the mob to attack Police party standing in front of his house and the unlawful mob started pelting stones and threw arrows towards the Police team (.) Accordingly SDPO DHT warned the unlawful assembly to disperse but they pay no heed to the words (.) Rather, they started bombing and opened fire towards the police team (.) As a result C/66 Parimal Sarkar of Combat force under SDPO DHT received bullet injury on his person (.) He was immediately shifted to Sitai BPHC and from there reffered to Coochbehar in critical condition (.) Many other police personnel received injury on their persons and treated at Sitai BPHC (.) Accordingly as per order of SDPO DHT, C/243 Rahul Dey fired 5 round of Gas shell from his service Gas Gun, Butt No. 41, C/1027 Ranjan Sarkar fired 6 round stun shell from his service Gash Gun, Butt No. 42 to disperse the unlawful mob (.) As a result the unlawful mob dispersed away by continuing bombing and firing towards the police team (.) However police team managed to arrest 1) Sohel Pramanik (22) S/O Nurjamal Pramanik of Bhola Chatra, 2) Nur Mahammad Pramanik (40) S/O Abul Kashem Pramanik of Bhola Chatra, 3) Nur Alam Pramanik (50) S/O Abul Kashem Pramanik of Bhola Chatra, 4) Shabdul Miah (19) S/O Bachha Miah of BR. Chatra, 5) Saddam Hossain (23) S/O Delowar Hossain of BR. Chatra, 6) Kashem Miah (54) S/O Lt. Mohiuddin Miah of Barthar, 7) Md. Yunish Miah (26) S/O Soleman Miah of Daskhin Balapukuri, 8) Alom Miah (33) S/O Hossain Ali of Chamta, 9) Hayder Ali (64) S/O Lt. Hasoruddin Ali of B.R. Chatra, 10) Ayub Ali (54) S/O Lt. Osman Ali of Atharojani, all of P.S. Sitai, Coochbehar (.) During search, one loaded improvised fire arms was recovered from the possession of Nur Mahammad Pramanik, one loaded improvised fire arms was recovered from the possession of Nur Alom Pramanik, one loaded improvised fire arms and 27 nos of arrows was recovered from the possession of Hayder Ali S/O Hasoruddin Ali and one loaded improvised fire arms was recovered from the possession of Sabdul Miah S/O Bachha Miah of B.R. Chatra (.) During further search 117 nos of bamboo sticks, 01 axe, 05 nos sharp cutting daggers, 06 nylon bags full of stones, one sack containing 15 (fifteen) nos of crude bombs were recovered from inside the house of Nur Mahammad Pramanik (.) 18 nos of Motor Cycles and 06 nos of bicycle owned by members of unlawful assembly were also recovered from inside the house of Nur Mahammad Pramanik and seized under proper seizure list (.) Ten persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O SI Debasis Roy (.) I/C Sitai P.S supervised the case (.)

Boxirhat P.S Case No.117/18 dated 09.07.2018 u/s 21[b]/22[b] of the NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Guneswar Das of Boxirhat PS, Coochbehar (.) On 09.07.18 at 18:40 hours SI Guneswar Das and force produced arrested accused persons namely 1] Raj Ali [25 years], S/O Lt. Rahim Ali of Krishna Charili Paikan Part-II, PS Krishnai, Goalpara, Assam and 2] Jahidul Islam, S/O Jabed Ali @ Amir Hussain of Krishnai, PS Krishnai, Goalpara, Assam alongwith the following seized articles namely 1] 150 [One hundred and Fifty] bottles of Phensedyl New Cough Linctus kept in 06 packets, in which each packet contains 25 Nos of bottles of Phensedyl New Cough Linctus [each bottle containing 100 ml having Batch No. PHB8039, Mfg Date-April-2018 and Exp Date-September 2019 and MRP Rs. 140.25/- and each 5 ml containing 10 mg of Codeine Phosphate i.e. 200mg codeine phosphate in a bottle], 2] 06 [Six] bottles of Phensedyl New Cough Linctus [one from each packet] taken as sample and marked as Exhibit

Boxirhat P.S Case No.114/18 dated 01.07.2018 u/s 20 (b) (ii) (C) of The NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of LSI Mimi Singha of Boxirhat PS, Coochbehar against 1) Anwar Hussain (31 yrs) S/O Abdul Aziz of vill- Barthal Kacharigaon, PO-Golaigaon, PS- Moirabari, Dist-Murigaon, Assam and 2) Vijay Kr. Sah (28 Yrs) S/O Ram Dayal Sah of Vill+ PO-Pipron, PS-Harlakhi, Dist-Madhubani, Bihar of vehicle registration No. AS01AJ3055 to that on 01.07.18 at 11:15 hrs information was received from a secret and reliable source that one TATA SAFARI vehicle bearing regd. No-AS01AJ3055 was coming from Assam side and that it was loaded with illegal ganja. After receipt of the information the fact was noted down in the General Diary of the PS vide Boxirhat PS GDE No. 19 dated 01.07.2018 following which OC PS directed she along with RT mobile officer ASI Mrinal Das with force to work out on the information and detained the said vehicle at Kasiabari Jhingapurni Naka point (.) At 11:40 hrs, Naka point at Kasiabari, they started checking on vehicles coming from Assam side (.) At around 12:25 hours they found the above noted vehicle coming from Assam side and she signalled to stop (.) After the vehicle stopped she found that there were two occupants in the car including the driver (.) On interrogation the two occupants stated their name as noted above (.) They were informed them that they had information that they were carrying illegal ganja and that they would be checked the vehicle but they insisted that the information was false and asked to check the vehicle (.) Thereafter, she along with force checked their belongings and the but they could not find any ganja but however a faint smell of ganja could be found in the vehicle (.) Then she asked the driver about the source of the smell of the


REF: GKD PS CASE NO- 79/18 Dt- 19.06.18 U/S- 25(1-A)/27 Arms Act On 19.06.18 at 16.25 hrs I SI Mahim Adhikari, O/C Ghoksadanga PS produced two accused persons namely Amit Murmu (23) S/O Late Dharen Murmu of Petbhata Chandan Chowra and 2. Mantu Sarkar(52) S/O Late Sushil Sarkar of Hoglabari, Station Para both of PS- Pundibari Dist Coochbehar along with seized articles One Small seize iron made improvised Pistol (6.75) having trigger, firing pin, with 05 round 7.65 live ammunition and 2 magazine, One motor cycle (Bajaj Discover) bearing Registration WB64E-5999 and do here by lodge a written complaint as suo-moto against them to the effect that today on 19.06.18 at around 13.55 hrs received acting source information he along with other officer and forces left for Kushiarbari (North) under Ghoksadanga PS where found one motor cycle bearing Registration WB64E-5999 which was standing beside the boulpari gravel road and two persons were seating on it. Seeing the police persons they tried to flee away but in vain. On asked they disclosed their identity as noted above. In presence of local persons I asked to search them so I requested them to search my body but they did not want to search me. So I searched their body one by one then I recovered above noted fire arms loaded with 05 round ammunition and one magazine from waist of Mantu Sarkar(52) S/O Late Sushil Sarkar of Hoglabari Station Para PS- Pundibari Dist Coochbehar and one empty magazine from pockets of Amit Murmu (23) S/O Late Dharen Murmu of Petbhata Chandan Chowra PS- Pundibari Dist Coochbehar. On demand they failed to produce any valid documents or license in support of possessing the said fire arms. On interrogation they made contradictory statements in different times and finally they confessed that, they along with their other associates have planned to commit crime with the said fire arms and they were waiting there for their associates. So I seized the said fire arms, 05 round ammunitions, 2 magazine and said motor cycle under proper seizure list and labeled it in presence of the witnesses. I arrested them u/s 20 Arms Act and seized the said fire arms and ammunition under proper seizure list and labeled it in presence of the witnesses.

On 16.06.2018 Boxirhat ps under coochbehar district intercepted one vehicles ML 07a/5023 loaded with 80 kGs of ganja & arrested 02 racketeers

Boxirhat P.S Case No.101/18 dated 02.06.2018 u/s 379/411/414/468/34 IPC has been started on the complaint of ASI Chandan Barman of Boxirhat PS, Coochbehar to the effect that on 02.06.18 at around 1745 hours while in course of working out on source information at Langalgram under Boxirhat PS jurisdiction, ASI Chandan Barman and force detained one truck bearing Reg. No. HR74A/8335 coming from Assam side which was suspected to be loaded with illegal timber and being transported without any valid documents (.) After detaining the above noted truck and its driver and helper named (1) Liyakat Ali (Driver) (28 yrs), S/O Mozit Khan of Kharadi, PS- Nagina, Dist-Nuh Mewat, Haryana and (ii) Ashik Khan (20 yrs), S/O Harun Khan of Sonari, Po-Tauru, PS-Tauru, PS- Nuh Mewat, Haryana a thorough search of the vehicle was conducted following which the following articles were found loaded on the truck: a) 44 pieces of teak sawn timber (Block) of approx length 165 cm x girth 13X13 cm b) 41 pieces of teak sawn timber (Block) of approx length 200 cm x girth 15X15 cm, c) 94 pieces of teak sawn timber (Block) of approx length 200 cm x girth 15 X15 cm, d) 111 pieces of teak sawn timber (Block) of approx length 195 cm x girth 15 X10 cm, e) 128 pieces of teak sawn timber (Block) of approx length 200 cm x girth 15X15 cm all amounting to a total of 418 pieces of suspected teak sawn timber whose total approx volume was 570 cft (.) After recovery of the above noted goods the driver and his helper noted above were asked to produce documents related to the timber loaded in the truck but they failed to do so (.) On interrogation they gave differing statements at different times but later on stated they were transporting the illegal timber by making false documents so as to avoid being caught by the authorities (.) After their confession ASI Chandan Barman seized the above noted articles alongwith the truck and other documents of the vehicle under proper seizure list in the presence of witnesses, arrested the accused noted above after observing all formalities and brought them to the PS and lodged a written complaint against the accused noted above and others (.) After receipt of his complaint the above noted case was started and endorsed to ASI Ashraf Ali for its investigation (.) Two persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O ASI Asraf Ali (.) C.I Tufanganj supervised the case (.)

Boxirhat P.S Case No.100/18 dated 02.06.2018 u/s 379/411/414/468/34 IPC has been started on the complaint of ASI Chandan Barman of Boxirhat PS, Coochbehar to the effect that on 02.06.18 at around 1710 hours while in course of working out on source information at Langalgram under Boxirhat PS jurisdiction, ASI Chandan Barman and force detained one truck bearing Reg. No. HR55S/3732 coming from Assam side which was suspected to be loaded with illegal timber and being transported without any valid documents (.) After detaining the above noted truck and its driver and helper named (1) Ismail Khan (35 yrs), S/O-Fajru Khan of Vill-Karhedi, PS-Nagina, Dist-Nuh Mewat, Haryana (Driver of vehicle No- HR55S/3732) and (ii) Ashif Khan (19 yrs), S/O- Asuddin Khan of Jhibana, PS-Bhiwari, Dist-Alwar, Rajasthan a thorough search of the vehicle was conducted following which the following articles were found loaded on the truck: a) 14 pieces of teak sawn timber (Block) of approx length 160 cm x girth 15X15 cm b) 50 pieces of teak sawn timber (Block) of approx length 190 cm x girth 14X14 cm, c) 50 pieces of teak sawn timber (Block) of approx length 185 cm x girth 12X12 cm, d) 180 pieces of teak sawn timber (Block) of approx length 150 cm x girth 20X20 cm, e) 32 pieces of teak sawn timber (Block) of approx length 184 cm x girth 15X15 cm, f) 11 pieces of teak sawn timber (Block) of approx length 210 cm x girth 12X12 cm, g) 10 pieces of teak sawn timber (Block) of approx length 160 cm x girth 13X5 cm all amounting to a total of 347 pieces of suspected teak sawn timber whose total approx volume was 569 cft (.) After recovery of the above noted goods the driver and his helper noted above were asked to produce documents related to the timber loaded in the truck but they failed to do so (.) On interrogation they gave differing statements at different times but later on stated they were transporting the illegal timber by making false documents so as to avoid being caught by the authorities (.) After their confession ASI Chandan Barman seized the above noted articles alongwith the truck and other documents of the vehicle under proper seizure list in the presence of witnesses, arrested the accused noted above after observing all formalities and brought them to the PS and lodged a written complaint against the accused noted above and others (.) After receipt of his complaint the above noted case was started and endorsed to SI Motiur Rahman for its investigation (.) Two persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O SI Matiur Rahaman (.) C.I Tufanganj supervised the case (.)

1. Dinhata P.S Case No.190/18 dated 25.05.2018 u/s 21 (b) NDPS has been started on the complaint of SI Bipul Chowdhury of Dinhata PS this case was initiated against owner and driver of vehicle bearing Reg No. WB 70-A -7644 Mahindra Scorpio and WB 64-TC-448 Tata Tiago. the allegation was that on 25.05.18 when complainant were performing Mobile duty, duty officer of Dinhata PS informed him at 15:15 hrs that two vehicle loaded with illegal contraband Phensedyl Cough Syrup was coming towards Dinhata from Gosaminari site (.) Accordingly he with his team went to Gosanimari Naka point (.) At 15:35 hrs he arrived there and started Naka checking (.) Later at about 16:05 hrs complaint saw two vehicle were coming towards Dinhata side with heavy speed (.) Complainant signaled them to stop but the vehicle stopped far distant from the Naka point and drivers and occupants managed to flee away leaving the vehicles (.) Later on searched the Naka party found huge numbers of boxes in both vehicles labelling with Phensedyle (.) Accordingly complainant informed I/C Dinhata PS for arranging Executive Magistrate (.) Later I/C Dinhata Insp. Jahar Jyoti Roy came to the spot, in his presence during search complainant recovered 26 packets of phensedyl Cough syrup each packet containing 100 bottles in each packet from vehicle WB 70-A -7644 Mahindra Scorpio and 14 packets of phensedyl Cough syrup each packet containing 100 bottles in each packet from vehicle WB 64-TC-448 Tata Tiago (.) Accordingly complainant seized and labeled those in presence of IC Dinhata PS (.) None has been arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O SI S B Kanjilal (.) I/C Dinhata P.S supervised the case (.)

1. Sahebganj P.S Case No.222/18 dated 25.05.2018 u/s 20 (b) (ii) (B) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Hemant Sharma, OC Sahebganj PS, Cooch-Behar produced the seized articles viz., (1) One red coloured- plastic packet containing substance like Ganja, tied with black-coloured rubber tape, contained in a printed nylon bag weighing 4 Kgs 100 grams, marked as Exhibit

Kotwali P.S Case No.300/18 dated 25.05.2018 u/s 3/4 of West Bengal Gambling & Prize Competition Act 1957 has been started on the complaint of SI Bhabatosh Sarkar, PS Kotwali, Cooch Behar to the effect thaton 25-04-18 he produced accused persons namely (i) Gopal Harijan (30) s/o Shyamlal Harijan of Khalishipatty, ward no. 20, PS Kotwali (ii) Shyamal Mandal (30) s/o Lt. Bijay Mandal of Baisguri, New cooch Behar, PS Pundibari (iii) Mohammad Rassel (32) s/o Lt. Abdul Gani, Natunpally, ward no. 08, PS Kotwali (iv) Rajib Paul (28) s/o Rabindra Paul of Chakchaka, PS Pundibari, all of Cooch Behar along with seized articles (i) One Note book with white pages having date and time, and different digit with addition of the digit which seems to be calculation of gambling (ii) 05 Nos. of white pages having calculation of gambling money (iii) 05 Nos of rules pages having date with different digit which seems to be calculation of gambling (iv) one black colour Gionee mobile handset having IMEI No. 863404033115445 & IMEI No. 86340433115452 having sim card no. 89910009047714241U and 8991671623352323538SY both of airtel subscriber (v) One gold colour Samsung J7 Prime mobile handset having IMEI No. 354741083083171/02 & 354742083083179/02 having JIO Sim card No. 89918400400030899616 (vi) One white colour Samsung 4G Duos mobile handset having IMEI No. 356273075587983/02 & 356274075587981/02 and Sim Card of JIO 89918400400050055909 (vii) one black colour Samsung mobile handset having IMEI No. 354636090603211/01 & 354637090603219/01 and sim card no. 89918570400124154823 of JIO & 899167164357269230 (viii) one gold colour Samsung mobile handset having IMEI No. 353107091432134/01 & 353108091432132/01 and sim card no. JIO 89918660408022634060 (ix) one black colour Samsung mobile handset having IMEI No. 358674/08/155566/6 & 358675/06/155566/3 and sim card no. JIO 89918680408025547042 & Airtel 89915109030903933158 (x) one black colour LYF mobile handset having IMEI No. 911510550371970 & 911510553351970 and sim card no. JIO 89918400400008490968 & Airtel 89915109000946979732 (xi) one white colour vivo mobile handset having set no. IS-13252(Part-1)/IEC609501IS16333(Part-3) having sim card no. Vodafone 8991671723472034880 (xii) one television of Sony having model no. KLV-32R302E/2017, LED TV having 80 Cm Screen (Bravia) (xiii) Board money cash Rs. 37,800/- and lodged a written complaint that on 25-04-18 at 22:20 hrs, he along with other officers, force and CVs held raid and found the above noted accused persons were betting money over cricket match of IPL for gambling inside the house of one Aktar Khan @ Chotka @ Langra s/o Lt. Hafiz Khan of Natunpally, ward no. 08, PS Kotwali, Cooch Behar (.) Police party managed to apprehend the above noted accused persons but the owner of the gambling house namely Aktar Khan @ Chotka @ Langra managed to flee away (.) Four persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O TSI Anthony Horo (.) I/C Kotwali P.S supervised the case (.)

On 21.05.2018 at 04.35 hrs SI Basudeb Sanyal and force of Sitai PS, Coochbehar arrested accused Alok Madok S/O Rabindra Nath Modak of Chhoto Naldhondra, PS Dinhata, CBR with one motor fitted vehicle, carrying with 30 bags, full with 70 packets West Bengal food supply subsidized wheat flour during Naka checking duty at near Gosanimari Girls School (.) The articles were carried in a bhutbhuti (three wheeler van) (.) The articles were carried for illegal disposal and wrongful gain without any valid documents (.)

i) REF: MKG PS CASE NO. 138/18 DT. 21.05.18 U/S. 20(b)(ii)(C) NDPS ACT. 1985 Started above referred case on the basis of written complaint of one ASI Dayal Barman of MKG PS ,CBR against Unknown driver handyman , owner of the truck along with transporter and others to the effect that today ie on 21.05.18 during recovery of offending vehicle bearing registration no. WB 23 C-2401 in c/w MKG PS case no. 136/18 dt. 20.05.18 u/s. 279/338/427 IPC. Which occurred on 19.05.18 at Bogerdanga, PS MKG/CBR found some packets containing Ganja like substance in the cabin of the offending truck and on through search in presence of Executive Magistrate total 09 packets containing 81 KGs of Ganja like substance is recovered from the cabin of the truck . IO- SI Debasish Adhikary

1. Boxirhat P.S Case No.93/18 dated 20.05.2018 u/s 379/411/414 PC has been started on the complaint of ASI Gobinda Das of Boxirhat PS against accused persons namely (i) Jubair (24 yrs) S/O-Lt Din Mohammad of Vill-Kot, Hathin, PS-Hathin, Dist-Palwal, Haryana (Driver of vehicle No- RJ-14GJ/4589) and (ii) Md Maqusood (22 yrs) S/O- Md. Jargis of Mohalla- Serawat, Singer, PS-Punhana, Dist. Nuh Mewat, Haryana (Helper) to the effect that on 20.05.2018 at 14:35 hrs acting upon an information (having diarized vide Boxirhat PS G.D.E No-618 dated 20.05.2018) and as per order of O/C PS, ASI Gobinda Das accompanied by SI Maloy Bose and forces had been to Sankosh Bridge, under Boxirhat PS, Dist-Cooch Behar and intercepted one vehicle bearing Registration No-RJ-14GJ/4589 was coming from Assam side (.) On being checked physically it was found that the truck was fully loaded with teak swan timber (Batten) (.) On interrogation the accused driver and helper could not produce any valid documents/license in respect of loaded teak swan timber (Batten) (.) On further interrogation they made different statement at different time regarding load and destination point of said teak swan timber (Batons) (.) So it is likely that they obtained the said teak swan timber (Batons) to be off loaded by illegal means by carrying them illegally for wrongful gain (.) Accordingly he seized all the articles under proper seizure list and labelled the same duly signed by the witnesses and arrested the driver and helper of the vehicle U/S-41 Cr.P.C. (.) Two persons arrested (.) I.O SI Guneswar Das


Mathabhanga P.S Case No.138/18 dated 08.05.2018 u/s 20(b)(ii)(c) N.D.PS Act 1985 has been started on the complaint of SI Uttam Sharma O/C Nishiganj Out Post under PS Mathabhanga Dist Coochbehar being producing one arrested accused Pappu Kumar Mandal (22) s/o Lt Laxmi Narayan Mandal of Parora PS K Nagar Dist Puriya ( Bihar) along with seized articles 02 red colour Plastic packet contained 37 Kg 700 grams of Ganja with 04 sample packets each contain 50 grams of ganja, one silver colour Hyundai santro vehicle bearing Reg No WB 74 G 6760 , seized personal property of arrested accused and do here by lodged a written complaint to the effect that acting upon source information vide Nishiganj Out Post GDE No 191 Dt 08.05.18 he along with force had been to Nalangibari to worked out the information and managed to intercept the above noted vehicle at Nalangibari Bridge but the driver of the said vehicle managed to escaped from the vehicle, and after taking all formalities in presence of executive magistrate Sri Rabindra Nath Mishra DM&DC Mathabhanga and local witnesses search and seizure has been done and during search above noted ganja has been recovered and seized from the said vehicle under proper seizure list and label (.) One person arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O SI Badhan Ch Roy (.) I/C Mathabhanga P.S supervised the case (.)

Haldibari PS Case No. 65/18 dated 07.05.18 u/s 273 IPC (State Amendment West Bengal Act 42 of 1973) has been started on the complaint of one ASI Krishna Barman of Haldibari PS to the effect that on 07.05.18 he received source information that noxious raw meat of dead poultry chicken are being cut and supplied to various hotels and restaurants from a poultry farm at Kashiabari (.) He noted the information vide Haldibari PS GDE No. 339 dated 07.05.18 and he along with officer and force held raid at

Ref: Boxirhat PS Case No. 80/18 dated 29.04.18 u/s 21[c]/22[c] of The NDPS Act. Started the above noted case over the complaint of SI Saugata Das of Boxirhat Ps, CBR to the effect that on 29.04.18 the complainant alongwith other officers and force had gone to Naka Checking on NH 31 at Jhingapuni, Kasiabari, PS BXT, CBR to work out on source information that one vehicle bearing Reg. No. JK21C-2759 would be coming from Cooch Behar side which was loaded with illegal cough syrup which was being transported to Assam. In course of the search they detained the above noted truck at about 1250 hours and after interrogating the driver Shub Karan and his helper Raj Kumar requested for an Executive Magistrate to carry out the search and seizure process of the truck. Thereafter the Executive Magistrate reached the spot at around 1350 hours and before carrying out the search and seizure the arrestee Shub Karan was granted an opportunity to search the bodies of the police team and the Executive Magistrate but he refused to do so. He was also asked if he had any objection to us searching him and the vehicle to which he stated that he had no objection and the same was noted down in writing in the presence of the Executive Magistrate. Thereafter the search was carried out following which 250 bags [190 intact bags and 60 partially torn bags] of rice by the name of

Pundibari P.S Case No.105/18 dated 28.04.2018 u/s 46 BE Act. has been started on the complaint of ASI. Avijit Sarkar of Pundibari P.S against arrested accused person namely Sahadeb Roy (42) S/O- Lt. Sukhchan Roy of Dakshin Marichbari P.S- Pundibari, Cooch Behar to the effect that on 28.04.2018 at about 20.05 hrs on the basis of secret source information complainant arrested above noted accused person and seized 502 bottles of country spirits which was his procession without any valid documents (.) One person arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O ASI. Lalit Rai (.)

Mathabhanga P.S Case No.125/18 dated 27.04.2018 u/s 25(i)(a)/27/35 Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Uttam Sharma O/C Nishiganj Out Post under PS Mathabhanga Dist Coochbehar being producing arrested accused (i) Malek Rahaman (28) s/o Samser Ali (ii) Nakul Mandal ( 36) s/o Paresh Ch Mandal both of Madhya khagribari , BDO office Para PS Maynaguri Dist Jalpaiguri along with seized articles, viz (1) One fully iron made automatic pistol (measuring approx 18 cm long, 15 cm slide, 10.05 cm barrel, 10.05 cm magazine,) loaded with 01 rounds live ammunition (2) 02 rounds live ammunition bore 7.65 (3) One cherry colour Maruti Alto bearing Registration No WB 74 S 0804 and do here by lodge a written complaint against the above noted accused to the effect that acting upon source information vide Nishiganj OP GDE No 721 Dt 27.04.18 above noted accused were detained along with above noted Maruti car at Sitkibari area , on being searched above noted arms and ammunition has been recovered and seized from their possession which they were carrying illegally (.) Two persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O SI Ujjal Kr Nandi (.) I/C Mathabhanga P.S supervised the case (.)

The fact of the case in brief is that SI Uttam Sharma O/C Nishiganj OP produced 1) Sulendar Mahato (34 Yrs) s/o Rambilas Mahato of Bisanpur PS-Naukathi Dist-Begulsarai, Bihar (2) Pankaj Yadav (35 Yrs) s/o Indradev Yadav of Bhagwanpur, Lakwan Station PS-Mufassil Dist-Begulsarai, Bihar (3) Md.Kari (35 Yrs) s/o Md.Majlum Ansari of Meheda Shahapura PS-Cheriya Barlyarapura Dist-Begulsarai, Bihar and (4) Sunil Mahato (35 Yrs) s/o Bindeswar Mahato of Sitarampur PS-Matiyahari Dist-Begulsarai, Bihar and seized vehicle WB-74-Q/3140 and lodged a written complaint against them stating that acting upon source information vide Nishiganj OP GDE No 564 Dt 21.04.18 he along with force had been to Manabari upon the direction of the source and pursued one vehicle WB-74-Q/3140 who upon call by police refused to stop and fled away .After hot chase intercepted the above noted Steel coloured Mahindra Bolero XL bearing Regd no-WB-74-Q/3140 at R G Lodge NAKA Point under PS Mathabhanga Dist Coochbehar and found 04 persons namely (1) Sulendar Mahato (34 Yrs) s/o Rambilas Mahato of Bisanpur PS-Naukathi Dist-Begulsarai, Bihar (2) Pankaj Yadav (35 Yrs) s/o Indradev Yadav of Bhagwanpur, Lakwan Station PS-Mufassil Dist-Begulsarai, Bihar (3) Md.Kari (35 Yrs) s/o Md.Majlum Ansari of Meheda Shahapura PS-Cheriya Barlyarapura Dist-Begulsarai, Bihar and (4) Sunil Mahato (35 Yrs) s/o Bindeswar Mahato of Sitarampur PS-Matiyahari Dist-Begulsarai, Bihar were inside the vehicle . On being questioned they failed to give reasonable answer and could not also produced any vehicle paper .So search was held of the person and the vehicle upon which a total of Indian currency Rs= 22,560/ was found with in which Rs=17,000/ seems to be fake , which were seized along with the vehicle under proper seizure list and labelled and they were produced at Mathabhanga PS and a written complaint against them was lodged . Arrested : 4 persons

Started Kotwali PS Case No. 221/18 Dated 19.04.18 U/S 3/4 of West Bengal Gambling and Prize Competition Act 1957 on the basis of the written compliant of TSI Anthony Horo of Kotwali P.S against arrested d accused persons namely (i) Sachin Barman (60) s/o Lt. Shib Narayan Barman of Pancharangi More, ward no. 17 (ii) BabluMahanta (50) s/o Lt. ManikMahanta ofGolaptala, Guriahati-II (iii) Chanda Das (53) s/o Lt. Daroga Das of New Cinema Hall, ward no. 17 (iv) ArjunRouth (30) s/o Lt. JhumkaRouth of Natunpally, Guriahati (v) Jhru Barman (40) s/o Lt. Lakhi Barman of Shyama Prasad colony, Guriahati-II (vi) Shyamal Paul (42) s/o Lt. Krishna Kanta Paul of Gopal Nagar, Guriahati-II, all of PS Kotwali, Cooch Behar (vii) SouravDey (23) s/o RanjitDey of Rajarhat, Rasherkuthi, PS Pundibari, Cooch Behar (viii) Kumar Subal Narayan (44) s/o Lt. Kumar Dharmendra Narayan of seuriguri, Salamara, PS Sahebganj, Cooch Behar (ix) JaidulRahaman (23) s/o Lt. Abdul Rahaman of Chilakhana, PS Tufanganj, Cooch Behar along with original seized articles (i) Two result sheet bearing different digit of play (ii) one paper sheet of different digit of one digit play (iii) 92 pieces of white blank paper in small size (iv) 18 small pieces of paper in different size with different digit (v) 22 small pieces of paper in different size having 0 to 9 digit in horizontal order (vi) one coupon receipt booklet of cycle/motor stand of New Cinema, Cooch Behar having Sl. No. 501 to 600. of New Cinema, Cooch Behar (vii) Board money cash Rs. 10,470/- who were playing online lottery gambling inside the cycle stand of New cinema hall of Pancharangi more, which has been banned in West Bengal. On interrogation they disclosed their name and addresses as noted above and also stated that they were gambling inside the pump house of temple to in exchange of money.

Started Sahebganj PS Case No. 180/18 Dt. 19/04/18 U/S- 25 (1) (a) Arms Act. On 19.04.18 at 18:45 hrs ASI. A.P. Roy of Nayarhat I/C under Sahebganj PS came to PS and produced arrested accused namely Bhagya Debnath (55 yrs.) S/O Lt. Charkutu Debnath of Kharija Baniadaha, PO Nandina, PS Sahebganj, Coochbehar and brought under seizure 20 no

Mekhliganj P.S Case No.107/18 dated 17.04.2018 u/s 25(1-A) Arms Act. has been started on the suo-moto complaint of SI Keshab Ch. Das of Mekhliganj PS, Coochbehar against Lunuj Ali (39) s/o Lt. Belal Hossain of 152 A Panisala Bhotbari, PS Mekhliganj, Coochbehar to the effect that on 17.04.2018 at about 00.15 hrs the complainant based on a tip-off held raid in the house of accused person in c/w Mekhliganj PS Case No.78/18 dated 18.03.2018 u/s 379 IPC and recovered one improvised country made arms along with 01 round of ammunition (.) On demand the accused could not produce any valid documents in respect of the said arms and ammunition (.) Accordingly, the complainant seized the said arms and ammunition under proper seizure list in presence of witnesses from the possession of the accused (.) One person arrested

Mekhliganj P.S Case No.104/18 dated 14.04.2018 u/s 46 BE Act. has been started on the complaint of ASI Lalit Ch. Barman of MKG PS Dist- CBR against Narayan Barman age 25 years S/O Gobinda Barman Ward no. 01, PS MKG/CBR to the effect that on 14.04.18 at about 17.15 hrs working on a source information and seize 230 (Two hundred and thirty) bottles of CS styled as

Sahebganj P.S Case No.172/18 dated 12.04.2018 u/s 25/27 of Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of Ramesh Ch. Ishore S/O Lt. Nirod Ch. Ishore of Morneya-I, PS-Sahebganj/Cooch-Behar against one 1] Bajle Mia S/O Lt. Mahijuddin Mia and 2] Nur Hossain Mia S/O Bajle Mia, both of Mornea-I, PS-SBG/CBR to the effect that on 11.04.18 at about 23:00 hrs., the above noted accused persons came to Kamala Chowpathy and started altercation with complainant and others (.) The complainant asked them to leave the place, but they refused (.) Meanwhile, the other mates of complainant got annoyed and assaulted accused persons (.) The complainant went to rescue the two accused persons, at that time the complainant noticed that accused Bajle Miah was carrying small firearms on his left side of the waist over his lungi and another accused Nur Hossain Rahaman was carrying an ammunition in his right side pocket of his black jeans pant (.) Noticing so, the associates of complainant further assaulted both the accused persons and detained both of them and informed Sahebganj PS (.) Later, Sahebganj PS Police reached the spot and seized the firearms and ammunition from the possession of noted accused persons and arrested them and took into custody (.) Two persons arrested

Boxirhat P.S Case No.64/18 dated 11.04.2018 u/s 379/411/414 IPC has been started on the complaint of ASI Gobinda Das of Boxirhat PS against one Taher Ali (24 yrs) S/O Sahar Ali of Vill-Jaymagaon, PS-Gosaiganj, Dist-Kokrajhar, Assam along with seized articles viz. i) one truck bearing registration no-AS16/6427 loaded with the following numbers of seems to sal timber ii) 45 pieces of wooden battam of approx 3.70x15x8 mq, iii) 6 pieces of wooden battam of approx 4.70x12x10 mq, iv) 6 pieces of wooden battam of approx 1.85x8x4 mq, v) 9 pieces of wooden logs of approx 3.20x70 mq, vi) 2 pieces of wooden beems of approx 3.65x25x20 mq, vii) 19 pieces of wooden logs of approx 4.80x80x19 mq, viii) 20 pieces of wooden logs of approx 4.30x75 mq and ix) 5 pieces of wooden logs of approx 230x72 mq. (.) On 11.04.18 acting over a source information and instruction of OC PS complainant along with SI Maloy Bose and forces had been to Sankosh Bridge (.) There they apprehended the above mentioned truck and found all the above mentioned Seized seem to be Sal wood/Timber(.) On interrogation the accused driver could not produce any valid documents/license in regards of those wood/Timber (.) He refused to disclose the source from where the woods/timbers were obtained or where he is going to depose them (.) It is likely that he obtained those by illegal means or theft and carrying those illegally to profit from them by wrongful gain (.) Accordingly ASI Gobinda Das seized all the articles and arrested the driver and brought them to PS (.) One person arrested (.)

On 04.04.2018 Boxirhat PS under Cooch Behar District Police seized one wagon car loaded with 288 bottles of cough syrup"Rc-kuff plus & arrested 02 persons

Sitalkuchi P.S Case No.73/18 dated 31.03.2018 u/s 20 (b)(ii)(C)/29 of NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Tapan Kumar Das of Sitalkuchi PS lodged a written complaint against the accused persons viz. 1] Amar Bhowmick @ Palan (50) Yrs S/O Late, Shanti Ram Bhowmick and 2] Paban Bhowmick (28) Yrs S/O Babu Ram Bhowmick both of Chhoto Salbari, PS:-Sitalkuchi, Dist:-Coochbehar along with seized Ganja 104.600 Grms, from his possession in 12(twelve) different Gunny bags to the effect that on 31-03-18 from 08:15 hrs to 17:55 hrs he along with other officers and force to being accompanied with O/C PS, CI Mathabhanga, I/C Mathabhanga & SDPO Mathabhanga and Executive magistrate to work out the secret source information and held raid in the house of the above noted accused person has stored a huge amount of Ganja in his house for its clandestine disposal and seized the Ganja in presence of witnesses, arrested the above noted accused person brought at Sitalkuchi PS (.) One person arrested (.)

Started Kotwali PS Case No. 182/18 Dated 28.03.18 U/S 411/414 IPC on the basis of the written compliant of ASI Kamal Paul of Kotwali PS who produced arrested accused persons namely (i) Shyam Mahato (32 years) S/O Lt. Jibesh Mahato of Chandannagar, PS. Chandannagar, Dist. Hoogly, (ii) Jiten Das (30 Yrs) S/O Salase Das of same locality and seized vehicle bearing Reg. NO- WB-15A-1275 (Truck) loaded with 38 pieces of old and used Pumping sets of different companies and 10 pieces of old and used CT machines. The fact is that today 28/03/18 at 20:35 hrs, acting on secret information, complainant arrested above noted accused persons and seized one truck bearing Reg. NO

Sahebganj PS Case NO142/18 dated:- 26/03/18 U/S- 20(b)(ii)(A)/29 NDPS Act. PSI Somenath Patowary of Sahebganj Ps produced arrested 04 accused persons namely, Sahidul Hoque (24) S/O Lt Samser Ali of Vill; Tutiyarkuthi, Karala, PS Sahebganj; Dist Coochbehar West Bengal, 2. Islam Hoque (25) S/O Serajul Ali of Vill ; Nagererbari II, Chanderkuthi PS Sahebganj ; Coochbehar; West Bengal, 3. Mizanur Hoque (22) S/O Jaynal Abedin Vill: Nagererbari II, Chanderkuthi PS Sahebganj, Coochbehar and, 4. Ekramul Khandakar (24) S/O Mozahar Khandakar of Vill- Nagererbari II;Chanderkuthi , PS Sahebganj ; Coochbehar, and brought under seizure 55 kgs 900 grams of Ganja and One Maruti Suzuki Alto Car bearing Regd. No. WB 06J 9128 along with vehicle

Started Sitalkuchi PS Case No 71/18 dated 25-03-18 U/S 46 BE Act on the basis of a written complaint of SI Rajesh Gurung of Sitalkuchi PS against accused person Rafikul Mia (40) S/O Lt Samser Ali Mia of Village Khasbass Khalisamari PS Sitalkuchi Coochbehar to the effect that today on 25-03-18 at 20.05 hrs SI Rajesh Gurung along with force during his mobile duty held a raid in the shop of accused Rafikul Mia (40) S/O Lt Samser Ali Mia of Village Khasbass Khalisamari PS Sitalkuchi Coochbehar and on search found 1] Happy Gold 26 bottles containing 600 ml each 2] Himalayan Tuk Tuk 12 bottles containing 600 ml each 3] Himalayan Gold 53 bottles containing 600 ml each.4] Dynamic 05 bottles containing 600 ml each. Stored by him in his shop to sell the same in higher price to gain higher profit SI Rajesh Gurung asked accused person to produce legal document in favour of illegal liquor recovered from his house but he could not produce any document in favour of it. Hence he seized the country spirit from his shop located at Sarkarerhat Bazar under proper seizure list and arrested the accused and brought him to PS and arrange for its investigation. PO: Approx 15 KM North West of PS Village Sarkarerhat Bazar PS Sitalkuchi Coochbehar. IO: ASI Biswajit Roy. Arrest: One (01)

Today on 23/3/2018 our anti crime team of Mathabhanga PS under Cooch Behar District conducted raid at Sitai more Naka point and intercepted one Bolero vehicle having false Police sticker (West Bengal Panchyet Election 2018 Jalpaiguri District Police) bearing Reg. No. WB 79/4072 and arrested two persons of Dhubri, Assam and recovered 38 pkts (187 Kgs.) Ganja from their possession. Investigation continuing.

Started Sahebganj P.S. Case No. 133/18 dt. 21.03.18 U/S 20(b) (ii) (B) NDPS Act. On 22.03.18 at 23:55 hrs., PSI Hemanta Roy of Sahebganj PS, Cooch-Behar produced an arrested accused person, named, Nikhil Roy (27 yrs) S/O Late Dinabandhu Roy of Vill: + PO: Kherbarihat, Kishamat Dasgram GP, PS. Sahebganj, Cooch-Behar along with seized two separate packets weighing 16 Kgs 700 grams of Ganja along with sample exhibits and relevant papers and lodged a complaint against him to the effect that on 22/03/18 at 21:10 hrs., while working over the source information, hold raid in the house of above noted accused person and found and seized the above noted contraband articles from his possession and arrested him in c/w this case reference. PO- Kherbarihat, Kishamat Dasgram. FIR Named:- 01. Arrest:- 01.

] Dinhata PS Case No. 123/18 dated 21.03.18 u/s. 379/411/414 IPC r/w sec. 7 (3)/11 W.B. Forest-Produce Transit Rule Act, 1959 & Sec 26(1)(e)&(f) of Indian Forest Act, 1927. :- SI Ajit Dutta, of Dinhata PS, Coochbehar lodged this complaint after producing seized vehicle bearing Reg No. WB 73-D-5678 duly loaded with 10 numbers of Teak timber logs measuring about 66.44 CFT against the unknown driver of the seized vehicle bearing Reg No. WB 73-D-5678 and unknown owner of the vehicle WB 73-D-5678 to the effect that on 21.03.18 while he was performing Evening Mobile duty with C/20 Biswajit Mandol and C/67 Shubham Debnath vide Dinhata PS GDE No. 1081 and MCC No. 1654, during the said time, at about 14:45 hrs, he received information from the duty officer Dinhata PS that one white colour Mahindra Pick-up goods-loaded truck was found standing near village Boalmari duly covered the goods with paddy straw suspected to have been timber covered by paddy straw. Accordingly, he along with force left for the spot. At 15:05 hrs., he arrived at the spot and found the said descriptive vehicle standing beside the road, appeared to have been carrying paddy straw. On search, he didn

Mathabhanga PS Case No 79/18 Dt 21.03.18 u/s 20(b) (ii) ( c ) NDPS Act 1985 The fact of the case in brief is that SI Uttam Sharma O/C Nishiganj Out Post under PS Mathabhanga Dist Coochbehar , producing here with one arrested accused Naresh Kumar (48 Yrs) s/o Baldev Ram of vill- Rouri PO-Chandi PS-Kasouli Dist-Solan, Himachal Pradesh along with seized article One TATA Truck bearing registration no-HP-12-C/2757 loaded with Iron scrap (Machinery parts scrap) and 72 packets of seems to be ganja weighing approx 720kgs 500grams and 2 sample packets of seems to be ganja each contain 100 grams of homogeneous mixture and do here by lodge a written complaint against the above noted accused to the effect that to work out secret source information vide Mathabhanga PS GDE No 999 Dt 21.03.18 at about 13.50 hrs he along with other officer and force had been to R G Lodge NAKA point under PS Mathabhanga Dist Coochbehar and intercepted the above noted vehicle which was driven by the above noted accused and after taking all formalities in presence of Shri Amit Biswas WBCS (EXE) DM & DC Mathabhanga and other local witnesses recovered and seized the above noted articles from his possession which he was carrying illegally from Moghpola to Agra, Uttar Pradesh for clandestine disposal , which was confessed by the said accused at the time of interrogation .

Kotwali PS recovered stolen Mobile under Cooch Behar District & arrested 04 persons on 19.03.2018


Started Sitalkuchi PS Case No. 65/18 dt 12.03.18 U/S 21(b)/29 NDPS Act on the basis of the written complaint of SI Mahammed Ali of Sitalkuchi PS CBR against FIR named accused persons 1) Obaidul Mia (24 yrs) S/O Abul Kasem Mia of Golenowhati PS Sitalkuchi Coochbehar and 01 others to the effect that on 12-03.18 SI Mahammed Ali of Sitalkuchi PS working on a tip off arrested one accused Obaidul Mia (24 yrs) S/O Abul Kasem Mia of Golenowhati PS Sitalkuchi Coochbehar and seized one white colored gunny bag containing 250 bottles of Phensedyl which was stored by him in his house for its clandestine disposal. During interrogation accused person revealed that he along with his brother Abdul Kaium Mia is doing this business since long for illegal gain.

Started the above noted case on the written complainant of ASI Porimal Roy of Tufanganj Police Station, Dist

Boxirhat PS Case no 39/18 dated 06.03.18 U/S 379/411 IPC R/W Sec 11(i)(d) of Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act and 12 of WB Cattle License Act has been started on the complaint of one SI. Matiur Rahaman of BXT PS, CBR against (i) Alim Khan (35 yrs) S/O Lt. Nur Mahammad of Dithat, Nagina PS- Pingawan Dist. Nuh Mewat Hariyana and (ii) Danis S/O Anis of Katipur Mahalla, W/No- 19 PS Kotwali Dist. Bughpat, UP to the effect that on 06.03.18, as per source information he went to Kashiyabari Naka chaking point and detained one truck (14 wheeler TATA) bearing no RJ14GH9670 and founed the truck was loaded with 15(Fifteen) numbers of big size Camel keeping in the congested place in a very Cruel manner (.) On integration they could not give any satisfactory answer or produce any valid documents/ license to carry or transport there Camels (.) Hence he arrested them and seized the vehicle loaded with 15(Fifteen) no


1) Started Pundibari P.S Case No. 59/18 Date- 01.03.2018 U/S- 46 B.E Act. On the basis of the written complaint of ASI. Atul Ch. Barman of Pundibari P.S, CBR against F.I.R named accused Prakash Roy (28) S/O- Anil Roy of Marichbari P.O- Khochabari Hat P.S- Pundibari, Cooch Behar to the effect that on 01.03.2018 at about 17.25 hrs on the basis of secret source information he arrested above noted accused persons and seized 840 bottles of country spirit which was his procession without any valid documents. . P.O- Marichbari, 25 K.M North/East from P.S (.) I/O- SI. Rathindra Nath Barman (.) Accused: 01 (One) Arrest: 01 (.) Investigation is proceeding (.)

Mathabhanga PS Case no-59/18 Dt.28.02.18 u/s 46 B. E. Act has been started on the complaint of one SI Anil Ch Roy of Mathabhanga PS Coochbehar against one arrested accused Uttam Nama Das (27) s/o Kabi Nama Das of Giladanga Bazar PO Giladanga, PS-Mathabhanga Dist- Coochbehar with seized articles (i) 45 bottle of Himalayan Gold 70 up (CS) , each contain 600 ml , value Rs = 65/ per bottle (ii) 28 bottle of Happy Gold 60 up (CS) each contain 600 ml , value Rs= 75 per bottle to the effect that, today on 28.02.18 at about 19.55 hrs, in course of special raid duty acting upon source information, he along with force hold raid in the Pan shop accused Uttam Nama Das at Giladanga Bazar and found the above noted liquors at his Pan shop (.) On demanding he failed to produce any valid documents or license in support of possessing the said liquors and he further confessed that, he had obtained the said liquors illegally for selling to public (.) One has been arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O ASI Mohan Ch Barman (.)(.)

Started Kotwali PS Case No. 113/18 Dated 27.02.18 U/S 411/414 IPC on the basis of the written compliant of ASI Debasis Ranjan Deb, Kotwali P.S, Cooch Behar produced arrested accused persons namely (1) Md. Jaidul Rahaman Ahamed (19) s/o Lt. Hossain Ali of Simultapu, No-1, PS Gosaigoan, Dist.- Kokrajhar, Assam (2) Abdul Jalil Sekh (30) s/o Abdul Jahiruddin Sekh of Simultapu PGR, PS Gosaigoan, Dist.- Kokrajhar, Assam along with seized one blue colour Pulser Motor cycle -150 CC bearing registration number AS 19D/6859, bearing Engine No. DHGBUH77113 and Chassis No. MD2DHDHZZUCH03195 and lodged a written complaint to the effect that on 27.02.18 at 19:20 hrs received an information that, a stolen motorcycle has been brought from Assam side and today it will be taken towards Cooch Behar area for delivery. Accordingly the complainant left for Dawaguri for NAKA checking on NH 31A with a view to work out the information at 20:05 hrs the complainant along with Police team reached at Dawaguri and started NAKA checking on NH 31A. At 20:35 hrs one blue colour Pulser motorcycle bearing registration No. AS-19D/6859 coming from Tufanganj side. As soon as the vehicle reached near NAKA post, they stopped the motorcycle and asked the rider and the pillion rider of the motorcycle to produce valid document in respect of possessing the said motorcycle. But they failed to produce any document in respect of the said motorcycle. On prolonged interrogation they finally confessed that they procured the said motorcycle by illegal means from their associate at Assam about 05 (five) days ago and today they were taking the vehicle to Coochbehar for its clandestine disposal. Accordingly, the complainant seized the motorcycle on proper seizure list and arrested accused persons namely (1) Md. Jaidul Rahaman Ahamed (2) Abdul Jalil Sekh u/s 41 CrPC.

On 27.02.2018 Destructed of Ganja plants by the Police personnel of Sahebganj PS along with excise deptt. Under Cooch Behar District

On 26.02.2018 officers and force of Mekhliganj PS under the supervision of O/C Mekhliganj PS conducted raid along with O/C Excise, BDO Mekhliganj, BL & LRO Mekhliganj and Assistant Director Agriculture, Mekhliganj in Dakshin Nijtaraf Area and destructed approx 10 bighas of opium cultivation (.) Two (02) persons have been arrested during raid (.)

On 26.02.18 Ghoksadanga PS under CBR district organized a blood donation camp and total 69 donar had been donated their blood

On 22.02.2018, officers and force of Pundibari PS including O/C Pundibari PS and Police Line Coochbehar under the supervision of Superintendent of Police, Coochbehar conducted raid at Torsha River bed, Chapaguri and Kaljani and destructed cultivation of Ganja plant covering approx 20/21 bighas of land (.) In addition to the drive Superintendent of Police, Coochbehar also conducted raid at Torsha River bed, Chapaguri under Madhupur GP and destructed cultivation of poppy plant covering area of approx 7/8 bighas (.)

Boxirhat P.S Case No.29/18 dated 21.02.2018 u/s 379/411 IPC R/W Sec 11(1)(d) and 12 of cattle licensing Act. has been started on the suo-moto complaint of SI Guneswar Das of Boxirhat/CBR against (i) Ram padara Chowdhury S/O- Ram Chandra Chowdhury of Jandaha,PS-Jandaha,Dist-Baishali (Bihar) (ii) Subodh Giri S/o- Kapil deb Giri of Jarabanpur,PS-BidhapurDist-aishali (Bihar) to the effect that on 20.02.18 in course of mobile duty he received an information that 02 (two) Pick-up vans bearing no. BR-06-GC/6068, BR-06-GA/1279 loaded with stolen cattle were coming from Harirhat side along with Mantani Road and proceeding towards Assam through NH 31 (.) Accordingly he along with force had been to Mantani under BXT PS/CBR and found two vehicle were coming towards Boxirhat NH road side (.) Accordingly he detained both the vehicle and found that 3 big size cattle and 3 calves in each vehicle and both accused failed to produce valid documents in respect of said cattle (.) Both the above accused were taking the cattle by means of fraudulent means with a view to smuggle in Bangladesh through Assam (.) So he seized the cattle and vehicle under proper seizure list and arrested the accused persons (.) Two persons arrested (.)




Mathabhanga PS Case No 44 /18 Dt 19.02.18 u/s 423/468/471 IPC R/W Sec 4/5 of the Explosive Substances Act 1908 The fact of the case in brief is that ASI Ashis Kr Sikder of Nshiganj Out Post under PS Mathabhanga Dist Coochbehar being producing arrested accused one Hafijul Seikh (30) s/o Majibor Seik pf Kalna uttar Para Dhatrigram PS Kalna Dist Purba Burdwan ( Driver of vehicle WB 41 C 3679) (ii) Ramavtar Choudhury (28) s/o Jagannath Choudhury of Do along with seized articles one TATA truck bearing Reg No WB 41 C 3679 loaded with 180 numbers of cartoons containing Jugmug Chocklet Bomb, and do here by lodge a written complainant against the above noted accused and the owner of Kolkata Assam Road lines Pvt Ltd. Of Shyambazar , Kolkata and the user of mobile no 9230122533 to the effect that on 19.02.18 at about 12.55 hrs during Naka Checking Duty ASI Ashis Kr Sikder along with force had been to Nishiganj Nalangibari Naka Checking point acting upon source information he intercept the above noted vehicle and in presence of I/C Mathabhanga PS and o/c Nishiganj Out Post said vehicle was searched with the help of labour and recovered total 180 numbers of cartoons containing Jugmug Chocklet Bomb , on demanding the above noted driver and helper of vehicle did not produced any licence / documents in respect of possessing the huge quantity of banned /objectionable Explosive in the Truck and on perusing the challans produced by the driver of above noted vehicle there were no similarity found between the challan and the articles loaded in the said Truck .On further interrogation the accused driver stated that one person from mobile no 9230122533 called him and asked the driver to bring the vehicle at Sahebganj Colony , Kalyani Road , North 24 Pgs and from there said person loaded the articles in the truck.

Kotwali P.S Case No.83/18 dated 16.02.2018 u/s 411/414/420/468/471/474 IPC R/W Sec. 42/63 Indian Forest Act 1927 and Rule 4(1,2,3) of West Bengal Forest Produce Transit Rule 1959 R/W Sec. 3 of PDPP Act. has been started on the complaint of Shri Debasis Ghosh, in-charge Kotwali PS, Dist. Cooch Behar produced above noted accused persons at PS alongwith seized (1) one truck bearing registration no. UP 38/T- 3597 loaded with 212 teakwood blocks in different sizes along with other documents (2) one truck (container) bearing registration no. UP 78/CN- 1791 loaded with 247 teakwood blocks of different sizes along with other documents and lodged a written complaint as suo-moto to the effect that on 16-02-18 at 01.15 hrs complainant received a reliable source information that above noted vehicles being loaded with teak wood is coming towards Chakchaka Checkpost from Boxirhat side (.) At about 02.35 hrs police team under the leadership of Shri Debasis Ghosh arrived at Jhinaidanga (near Satata Furniture shop) under PS Kotwali Dist. Cooch Behar and they could see one truck (container) bearing registration nos. UP 78/CN- 1791 and one truck bearing registration no. UP 38/T- 3597 coming from Boxirhat side and proceeding towards Chakchaka Checkpost (.) Accordingly, the police team detained the two vehicles and found that there were 02 (two) occupants in each of the vehicles (.) On interrogation in respect of the articles loaded in the vehicles they stated that raw rubber was loaded in the vehicles (.) On demand they produced (i) one photocopy of GST invoice having Invoice no. 08 date 12-02-18 issued by M/s Shiv Enterprise, Roynagar, Karimganj Assam to Kishore Agarwal (Buyer

Started Kotwali PS Case No. 72/18 Dated 13.02.18 U/S 20 (b) (ii) (c) NDPS Act. on the basis of the written complaint of SI Uttam Sharma, O/C Nishiganj Police Out Post, PS Mathabhanga, Cooch Behar against arrested accused person namely (1) Narayan Sarkar (58 Yrs) s/o Lt. Bancharam Sarkar of Maghpala, PS-Kotwali Dist-Cooch Behar and (2) Subrata Das (56 Yrs) s/o Lt. Sudhir Das of Petvata, PS-Kotwali, Dist-Coochbehar to the effect that today on 13/02/18 at 07:55 hrs, he received an information from Deputy Commandant, Sri Anil Kumar, Sasastra SeemaBal (SSB) 34 battalion, Hindustan more that huge quantity of Ganja have been stocked in the house of one Narayan Sarkar of Maghpala PS-Kotwali/CBR and they wished to conduct a joint raid with Police. On receiving this information the matter was diarised in Nishiganj OP under Mathabhanga PS/CBR vide Nishiganj OP GD Entry No-356 dated-13/02/2018 and contacted with IC Kotwali PS/CBR as the jurisdiction falls under the Kotwali PS and he along with SSB personnel left for Maghpala to conduct raid in the said house of Narayan Sarkar and seized 111.400 Kgs of Ganja packed in four nylon sacks from the possession of above noted accused persons. But on interrogation they could not produce any valid document/license for possessing the article. Accordingly SI Uttam Sharma arrested accused Narayan Sarkar and Subrata Das u/s 41 Cr.PC as they had violated provision of NDPS Act.

Mathabhanga P.S Case No.29/18 dated 08.02.2018 u/s 20(b)(ii) (c) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of ASI Rishi Sing of Mathabhanga PS Coochbehar producing here with one accused Rabiul Mia @ Bablu Mia (36 yrs) s/o Sopiar Mia of Paschim Khanda Bamunia , Kedarhat PS Mathabhanga Dist Coochbehar along with seized articles (i) One black color TVS motor cycle bearing Reg. No WB 64 C 6929 (ii) One nylon bag containing one packet seems to be ganja wrapped with blue colour polythin, weighing approx 10 kg 250 grams (iii) one nylon bag containing 02 packets seems to be ganja , one wrapped with blue color polythin weaighing approx 10 kg 400 grms, another is wrapped with red colour polythine weighing approx 2 kg 50 grms and 06 no


Kotwali P.S Case No.56/18 dated 04.02.2018 u/s 20 (b) (ii) (B) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Anthony Horo of Kotwali PS, CBR against arrested accused person namely Dhananjoy Sharma (23 yrs) s/o Subash Sharma of Jorabari, Putimari, PS Dinhata, Cooch Behar along with seized article One packet wrapped with red colour polythene sealed by white coloured cello-tape weighing 13 Kgs (Thirteen) of Ganja and lodge a written complaint against above noted accused person to the effect that on 04/02/18 at 13:40 hrs, the complainant received secret source information that one person having a purple coloured trolley bag is standing infront of Cooch Behar NBSTC terminus near Bhabani Cinema Hall with a view to board a Siliguri bound bus and the trolley in his possession contains Ganja (.) Then the complainant and his others forces arrived at Cooch Behar NBSTC terminus near Bhabani Cinema Hall and intercepted him and on interrogation he disclosed his identity and he panicked and did not give satisfactory answer (.) On search the trolley bag on bundle of Ganja like substance wrapped with red coloured polythene could be recovered (.) But on demand he could not produce any valid document / licences for possessing the article (.) He confessed that he had procured the Ganja from Bhetaguri, Dinhata and was transporting the same to Siliguri for its clandestine disposal (.) Then the complainant arrested him U/S 41 Cr.P.C

Kotwali P.S Case No.50/18 dated 31.01.2018 u/s 25 (1) (a)/27 Arms Act. has been started suo-moto complaint of TSI Anthony Horo of Kotwali against one arrestee Rohidul Haque (25) s/o Taleb Miah of Takagach, PS Pundibari, Cooch Behar alongwith seized articles (i) two (02) improvised country made firearms made probably of iron total measuring approx. 14 and 9.5 inches including barrel, Body, and Butt having hammer with firing pin, lever, trigger with trigger guard (ii) 02 live cartridge of 12 bore DBBL and 9mm pistol (iii) one motorcycle bearing no. WB-70E-6466 (iv) one white torn cloth to the effect that on 31/01/18 at 15:40 hrs complainant received information from one reliable source that one person is coming to Rajarhat bazar chowpati for selling illegal firearms within a short while (.) Then the complainant immediately informed the fact to I/C Kotwali PS and as per his direction complainant along with ASI Debasish Ranjan Deb, ASI Uttam Chettri, and Town mobile duty officer ASI Brikeswar Roy and C/780 Moula Khariya, C/606 Dinesh Ch. Barman and other civic volunteers rushed to Gunjabari More and on reaching the spot complainant along with other officer and forces ambushed there and as per indication of source he manage to apprehend the arrestee (.) Thereafter on thorough searching found the above noted firearms and ammunitions from the exclusive possession of the arrestee (.) On demand he could not produced any valid documents/license for possession of such arms (.) The arrestee further stated that he had obtained such illegal arms to carry out illegal activities (.) Then complainant seized the above noted arms and ammunitions from the exclusive possession of the arrestee in presence of witnesses and labeled them and arrested him U/S 41 Cr. PC following all protocol (.) Later the arrestee and seized articles were brought at PS and lodged a suo-moto complaint (.) One person arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O SI Najmul Hossain Mondal (.) I/C Kotwali P.S supervised the case (.)

Ref: Boxirhat case no 10/18 Dated 24.01.18 U/S 25(1)(a)/27 Arms Act. === Started above noted case over the written complaint of ASI Gobinda Das of BXT PS, CBR against one Ketu Barman @ Shyamal (37 yrs) S/O Naren Barman of Haribari Dutta Para PS Tufanganj, CBR to the effect that on 24.01.18 after noon at round 15:00 hrs while working out on source information at Tinali PS BXT, CBR he managed to apprehend the accused noted above and recovered one country made Pistol along with magazine and 5 (Five) rounds of 7.65 mm ammunition from the procession of the accused. He them seized the fire Arms/ Ammunition and arrested the accused.

Started Sitalkuchi PS Case no - 16/18 Dated - 18.01.18 U/S 20(b)(ii)(C)/29(2)(b) of NDPS Act. On the basis of a written complaint SI D G Bhutia O/C Sitalkuchi PS Cooch Behar against arrested accused person VIZ Sukanta Mandal (60 year) S/O Late Dinesh Mandal 2] Bijoy Mandal (24) S/O Sukanta Mandal 3] Babu Mandal (30 Year) S/O Sushil Mandal 4] Atma Ram Mandal (28 Yrs) S/O Sushil Mandal all of Purba Bhog Dabri PS Sitalkuchi Cooch Behar along with seizure list and seized articles, Seven Hundred Twenty Two Kg Three Hundred Ninty Grms of ganja in 09 (Nine) different container were seized) On 17-01-18 at 14:15 hrs received secret source information that accused person as noted above has stored a huge amount of Ganja in their house for its clandestine disposal to the buyers from outside state. After receiving information diarized the matter in PS General Diary vide GDE No 734 dated 17-01-18 and informed the matter to Addl. SP Mathabhanga who instructed to verify the matter more precisely and to sent the requisition to SDO Mathabhanga for one Executive Magistrate. Accordingly sent requisition to SDO Mathabhanga for deputing one executive Magistrate for the process of search and seizure. Same date at 21:25 Hrs source contact and a confirm information about the same. O/C PS inform the matter to Additional SP Mathabhanga and as per his direction at 22:05 OC PS accompanied by Shri Anjan Chowdhury BDO Sitalkuchi, and following officers and force 1] SI Tapan Kumar Das, 2] ASI Sadhan Kumar Roy, 3] Constable 969 Sujit Rai, 4] Constable 1216 Khitish Chandra Sikdar, 5] Constable 1080 Gobinda Barman 6] Constable 758 Shyamal Barman, 7] Constable 770 Kalyan Barman 8] Constable 1134 Gopal Chettri, 9] Constable 607 B Roy, 10] Lady Constable 292 Jamuna Barman, 11] LCV/ 02 B Roy, 12] LCV/ 08 B Sarkar, 13] CVF 202 T Roy, 14] CVF 46 K Pramanik, 15] CVF 38 A Debnath, 16] CVF 34 J Akthar, 17] CVF 20 A Hossain, 18] CVF 71 A Alam, 19] CVF 232 M Miah, 20] CVF 35 Pran Barman, 21] CVF 53 S Miah, 22] CVF 200 M Pramanik by Police Vehicle 407 bearing No. WB-63/2612 driven by Public Driver Anukul Barman Police Vehicle Max 63/ 6460 Driven by Civic Driver Kanchan Barman and Police Vehicle (DP) bearing No WB 64 A 5969 Driven by Enamul Mia left for PO to work out the information in hand Vide PS GDE No 744 and PS MCC No 216 dated 17-01-18. At Sitai More Shri Debasish Ghosh CI Mathabhanga, and Shri Pradeep Sarkar I/C Mathabhanga Coochbehar also accompanied for the raid. At 23:15 hrs whole team arrived at Purba Bhog-Dabri Makpala and in absence of any local people in that odd hour called two Local Civic Volunteer of that area VIZ 1) Sanjay Sarkar S/O Nagendra Nath Sarkar of Purba Bhog-Dabri PS Sitalkuchi Coochbehar & 2) Sanjay Biswas S/O Lt Ranjan Biswas of Makphala PS Sitalkuchi Coochbeha and requested them to be witnesses in case of any search and seizure made and also informed them about the information in hand and they agreed for the same. Then as identified by source O/C PS, along with Civic witnesses and police personal approached to house and asked them to produce document of their house but they also failed to produce the document but they also admitted that the house belongs to them and they are father and son and also Seized the same and arrested them after issuing proper memo of arrest. Under this circumstances mentioned above started a specific case as Suo-Motto under section 20(b)(ii)(C)/29(2)(b) of NDPS Act.

Started Kotwali PS Case No. 11/18 Dated 06.01.18 U/S 20(b)(ii)(C) NDPS Act. On 06.01.18 at 16:35 hrs SI Kajal Sarkar of Kotwali PS Cooch Behar producing and lodging a written complaint against arrested persons namely (1) Surat Teli (40 year) S/O Ahmed Teli of Secunderabad PO & PS Secunderabad, Dist Buland Sahar (Uttar Pradesh) (2) Sukhdeb Sarkar (28 year) S/O Sanatan Sarkar of Brahmattar Kasaldanga (3) Pintu Mondal (20 year) S/O Sukhilal Mondal of Jalalpur PS Gangarampur Dist, Dakshin Dinajpur (4) Dulal Sarkar (45 year) S/O Late Kanchiram Sarkar of Haldimohan-Chilkirhat PS Kotwali Dist Cooch Behar along with seizure list and seized alamats total weighing Ganja approximately 158 kilogram ( One hundred fifty eight kilograms). The fact is that today on 06.01.18 at 11:25 hrs on source information the complainant along with forces had been to the Jay Bangla Bazar Bairati, Chandamari to work out source information. Acting on source information the complainant along with forces reached near Jay Bangla bazaar, Bairati, Chandamari at about 12:35 hrs, where the complainant found aforesaid four (4) persons were standing at the roadside with five (5) large synthetic sacks. So, acting on source information the complainant along with forces intercepted them and searched white colour synthetic sacks possessed by them and five (5) synthetic sacks contains ganja. The complainant interrogated them, then they disclosed their name and address as noted above and confessed their guilt they are preparing to clandestine disposal of Ganja to their nexus persons, Who transports said ganja from local village Jai Bangla bazaar, Chandamari to Coochbehar, Siliguri and others side. On demand they could not produce any relevant documents/License for the possession the said articles.


Ref:- Mathabhanga PS Case No 590/17 Dt 28.12.17 U/S 25(i) (a) /27 Arms Act The fact of the case in brief is that acting upon source information vide Nishioganj Police Out Post GDE No 713 Dt. 27-12-2017 SI Prashanta Biswas O/C Nishiganj Out Post along with other officer and force had been to Nishiganj Natun Bazar Garuhati area and on being identified by the source detained one Kamalakshya Roy (45yrs) S/O Lt. Sarat Kanti Roy of Chakiarchhara, P.O Nishiganj PS Mathabhanga Dist Coochbehar and from whom recovered one fully iron made automatic Pistol having trigger, trigger guard, hammer , firing pin, slide, barrel, barrel catch, magazine, magazine catch, loaded with 01 round live ammunition in magazine. On demanding he failed to produced any valid documents in support of possessing the said arms and ammunition, accordingly SI Prashanta Biswas arrested the said accused as well as seized the said recovered arms and ammunition under proper arrest memo and seizure list and label respectively in presence of witnesses u/s 41 CrPC and lodge a written complaint against the above noted accused person .

Dinhata P.S Case No.1144/17 dated 19.12.17 u/s 411/413 IPC and 11(d) Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act has been started on the complaint of SI JK Barman of Dinhata PS, Coochbehar (.) On 19.12.17 at 14:10 hrs SI JK Barman and force produced accused namely 1. Dilshad S/O Iqbal of House No. 205/ Azad Nagar PS Mojhola Dist; Mordabad Pin: 244001 Uttar Proddesh 2. Ashok Kumar S/O Ram Saron of Jatav Colony , Teh Amroha PS Kotwali Dist; Amroha Uttar Pradesh along with seized 1. One truck (Container) bearing reg. No. RJ-05-GA 3406 along with relevant documents 2. One truck (Container) bearing Reg NO. HR-74-1902 along with relevant documents and lodged awritten complaint against those arrested accused persons to the effect that on 19.12.17 at 12:15 hrs. in course of performing special Mobile duty he along with force found the above noted Trucks (Container) were coming from Coochbehar side (.) On checking found Truck (Container) No.. RJ-05-GA 3406 loaded with 70 heads of cattle of different size and colour and Truck (Container) bearing Reg NO. HR-74-1902 loaded with 52 heads of cattle of different size and colour (.) All the cattle were found loaded in those truck containers in cruel manner and tide with ropes in neck and no food and water was in the Truck (.) On demand drivers could not produce any valid document for carrying the said cattle and entering to Municipal area, and they were made different statement at different times, hence there was sufficient reason to believe that the cattle were been procured in illegal way and headed to Indo Bangladesh border for clandestine disposal (.) On asked they disclosed their identity as mentioned above (.) Then I informed the fact to I/C Dinhata PS and as per his direction he seized those 70+52 nos. of cattle of various descriptions

Haldibari PS Case No 203/17 Dt. 29.11.2017 u/s 20b(ii)(c) NDPS Act has been started on the complaint of SI Nirmal Das of Haldibari PS against Md Anu Miah (Driver) and Abdul Majid Miah (Khalasi) of truck bearing registration NL 01L/4415 to the effect that on 29.11.2017 on source information complainant along with other officers and force detained the noted truck (.) On search approx. 555 kgs of Ganja loaded on the truck (.) The driver and khalasi were arrested and seized the truck and Ganja under proper seizure list (.) Two have been arrested

Dinhata P.S Case No.1069/17 dated 19.11.2017 u/s 20 (b) (ii) (C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Hemant Sharma of Dinhata PS, Coochbehar (.) On 19.11.17 in between 13:45 hrs and 16:45 hrs, on a tipoff, the complainant and force apprehended accused (i) Joydeb Bhowmick, 40 years, S/O Late Banshibadan Bhowmick of 538 Singhimari, PS Sitai, Cooch-Behar and (ii) Manoranjan Sarkar, 35 years, S/O Jagadish Sarkar of 538 Singhimari, PS Sitai, Cooch-Behar at Rajakhora, Petla under Dinhata PS and seized 26 Kg ganja which was carrying illegally for selling (.) Two persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O SI Raju Roy (.) I/C Dinhata P.S supervised the case

Kotwali P.S Case No.769/17 dated 05.11.2017 u/s 20(b) (ii) (C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of TSI Sonam Maheswari of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 04.11.17 at 23:15 hrs, the complainant and force left PS and arrived at Chakchaka Check post and was checking the vehicle coming to Coochbehar side, while at about 01:25 hrs one truck bearing Regd. No. AS-01DD-8778 tried to dash our vehicle, on being asked to stop and fled away towards Coochbehar side (.) So, complainant chased the truck and after crossing Ghugumari bridge, it was observed that the truck is proceeding towards Mathabhanga road at an excessive speed(.) Later complainant contact with O/C Mekhliganj PS, Ajit Shah who was performing NAKA duty at Changrabandha Check Post (.) The complainant briefed him about the incident and requested to detain the vehicle at NAKA point (.) Then the complainant got information from Mekhliganj PS, but they could detain the truck is empty and three (03) persons (.) At 05:05 hrs the complainant arrived at Kotwali PS, parked the truck in front of Kotwali PS with three (03) accused persons the detained accused (i) Amin Khan (31 yrs) S/O Lt Md. Hasan of Vill. Yairipok Malam, PO & PS. Yairipok, Dist. Thoubal, Manipur, (ii) Taslimuddin (22yrs) S/0 Jiauddin of Vill. Lilong, PO & PS Lilong, Dist. Thoubal, Manipur and (iii) Faris Khan (19 yrs) S/O Lt Md. Rafi of Vill. Yairipok Malam, PO & PS. Yairipok, Dist. Thoubal, Manipur, who on prolonged interrogation disclosed in their possession of 73.435 Kg Ganja in five packets, kept concealed inside the cabin of the truck and for that reason they did not stop on getting signal from Police at Chakchaka check post and tried to flee away (.) Then after the complainant seized all the packets of ganja and attested them (.) Three persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding

Kotwali P.S Case No.714/17 dated 12.10.2017 u/s 20 (b) (ii) (C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Rajendra Tamang of P.S. Kotwali P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 12.10.2017 at 14.05 hrs, on a tipoff, the complainant and force apprehended accused i) Ajit Barman (31yrs) S/O Lt. Nripen Barman and ii) Pradip Kritania (43 yrs) S/O Lt. Satish Kritania both of Kathalbari PO Bairati PS Kotwali Coochbehar at Kathalbari and seized 140 Kg Ganja (.) On demand, the accused persons failed to produce any document in respect of Ganja (.) The accused persons were transporting the said Ganja to New Coochbehar Railway Station for transporting to Siliguri and its adjacent area for its clandestine disposal (.) Two persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.)

Pundibari P.S Case No.258/17 dated 09.10.2017 u/s 25 (1

Dinhata P.S Case No.933/17 dated 06.10.2017 u/s 20(b) (ii) (C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Mohit Lal Mandal of Dinhata PS, Coochbehar (.) On 06.10.17 around 22:55 hrs, the complainant and force apprehended accused (1) Haridas Roy, 35 years, S/O Helu Chandra Roy of Dinhata Village-I, PS Dinhata, Cooch-Behar and (2) Jayanto Barman, 18 years, S/O Kanu Barman of Vill: Kwalidaha, Putimari, PS Dinhata, Cooch-Behar in front of NBSTC Bus Stand, Krishimela, PS Dinhata and seized 21.500 Kg Ganja which was possessed by them illegally (.) Two persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding

Kotwali P.S Case No.701/17 dated 06.10.2017 u/s 25 (1 A)/27 Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of ASI Debasis Ranjan Deb of Kotwali P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 05.10.2017 at 16:55 hrs, the complainant and force apprehended accused 1] Prasenjit Roy @ Bachhan (27) s/o Jyotin Roy of Madhupur, Kachuban, PS Pundibari 2] Amit Saha @ Lacky (24) s/o Anil Saha of Laxminarayan Colony, PS Pundibari, Cooch Behar 3] Abhisekh Mazumber @ Rubai (27) s/o Lt Swadesh Ch. Majumder of Ward NO.6, Dharmatala, PS Kotwali, Cooch Behar at Katamari Bazar and seized (I) one number of sophisticated improvised Revolver (6R) measuring about 8.5 inch in length (II) one number of sophisticated improvised Revolver (6R) measuring about 7.5 inch in length (III) 45(fourty five) rounds of .303 live cartridge (IV) 2 (two) rounds of .38 live cartridge (V) 04 (four) rounds of 9mm live cartridge (VI) One Apache motor cycle bearing registration No WB 64L/6823 and (VII) one plastic carry bag (.) Three persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.)

Sitalkuchi P.S Case No.300/17 dated 28.09.2017 u/s 25[1][a]/27 Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Tapan Kr Das of Sitalkuchi PS, Coochbehar (.) On 28-09-17 in between 19:05 hrs and 21:35 hrs, leading to the statement of accused Mojibul Miah @ Teranam (23) s/o Lt. Ayub Miah of Chotto Salbari, PS Sitalkuchi, Dist. Coochbehar who was arrested in c/w Sitalkuchi PS Case No 289/17 dated 20-09-17 u/s 394 IPC, the complainant recovered one improvised iron made firearms with one .303 live ammunition which was kept concealed under the earth of kitchen of the accused person (.) One person arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I

Boxirhat P.S Case No.164/17 dated 28.09.2017 u/s 25 [1][a] of The Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Kashyap Rai, O/C, Boxirhat PS, Coochbehar (.) On 28.09.17 at about 17.05 hrs, on a tipoff, the complainant and force apprehended accused Prasenjit Biswas @ Prasen (26) s/o Lt. Sushil Biswas of Banderkuthi, Langolgram, PS Boxirhat, Cooch Behar at Langalgram, Banderkuthi while his associate Chabidul managed to flee from the spot (.) On search, the complainant recovered one small firearms from his possession which was carrying for selling at Tufanganj area (.) One person arrested (.)

Tufanganj P.S Case No.393/17dated 17.09.2017 u/s 20(b)(2) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Sourendra Sarkar of Tufanganj P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 17.09.2017 SI Sourendra Sarkar at about 01:15 hrs received secret information through his source that one six wheeler container truck No. NL01Q/5954 loaded with Ganja is coming from Nazirhat side and proceeded towards Deocharai More through Balarampur (.) The information diarised in Tufanganj PS G.D book vide Tufanganj PS G.D.E No. 708 dt. 17.09.2017 and SI Sourandra Sarkar along with C/1107 Anil Laskar and N.V.F/0073 Ashok Barman left for Balarampur to work out the secret information (.) After reaching Balarampur Bazar the complainant along with force started Naka checking at Balarampur Bazaar (.) During checking the said vehicle as informed by the secret source arrived at Balarampur from Nazirhat side (.) The complainant put signal to stop the vehicle but the vehicle driver did not stop his vehicle and started to drive the vehicle more speed (.) the complainant chase the vehicle by govt. vehicle no WB24C/1126 and finally detained the vehicle near Deocharai Bridge but the driver of said vehicle managed to escape from the spot leaving his vehicle near Deocharai Bridge (.) The complainant informed the fact to O/C Tufanganj PS as well as Circle Inspector (S) Tufanganj ordered to the complainant wait for him and he will come to spot to look in to the mater (.) Just after few minutes Circle Inspector (S) Tufanganj arrived on the spot and disclosed his identity as a gazetted officer (.) As per his direction and in presence local witnesses, the complainant searched the vehicle and found that the vehicle loaded with different packets wrapped with plastic sack in which wasted papers form those packets found 02 (Two) packets wrapped by white plastic sack containing seemed to be ganja substance and one brown coloured luggage bag in which a packet wrapped by white plastic containing seemed to be ganja substance and one black coloured school bag in which a packet wrapped by white coloured plastic containing seemed to be ganja substance (.) As per order of C.I (S) Tufanganj the complainant tried to call the S.D.E.M Tufanganj Block over his cell phone but due to late night the complainant did not gate response (.) The complainant arranged one weigh machine from one Prabhat Basak S/O Lt. Surendra Basak of Chamta, Basak Para P.S. Tufanganj, Coochbehar took weight of the said packets and bags by weighting machine (.) On weighing those 05 (Five) packets wrapped by red coloured plastic and 02 (Two) packets wrapped by green coloured plastic contain total 85 Kgs 980 Gms seemed to be ganja substance (.) Then the complainant seized those seemed to be ganja like substance an above noted the vehicle under proper seizure list in presence of Sri Jugal Krishna Biswas Circle Inspector (S) Tufanganj and other available witnesses. the complainant also labeled the said packets in presence of Sri Jugal Krishna Biswas Circle Inspector (S) Tufanganj and other witnesses (.)

Kotwali P.S Case No.632/17 dated 06.09.2017 u/s 21 (b) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Lakhiram Karjee of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 06.09.17 at 18:05 hrs SI Lakhiram Karjee of Kotwali PS CoochBehar produced and lodged a written complaint against arrested person named (1) Gopal Sunar (25year) S/O Tek Bahadur Sunar of Malangi-Hasimara PS Jaigoan Dist. Alipuduar along with seized alamats. Description of seized alamat as follows(i) One (1) white colour synthetic sack containing four (4) cartons each carton contain hundred (100) bottles of

Kotwali P.S Case No.630/17 dated 05.09.2017 u/s 20(b)(ii)(C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Kajal Sarkar of Kotwali P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 05.09.2017 at 14:25 hrs vide Kotwali PS GD Entry No 295/17 dated 05.09.2017 (M.C.C No 1611/17 dtd 05/09/17) on source information himself, ASI Debasish Ranjan Deb, ASI Uttam Chettri, C/780 Mouley Kharia C/852 Indralal chettri,by Police vehicle bearing No.WB-24/C-0781 driver CVF-507 Yakub Ali all of Kotwali Police Station CoochBehar had been to the Rajen Chowpahty Baburhat to work out source information (.) Acting on source information himself and party ambushed at Rajen Chowpathy Baburhat area Tufanganj/CoochBehar Road (.) At about 15:05 hrs one Truck bearing No NL-01/L-3660 was coming from Tufanganj side and heading towards Cooch Behar Town area (.) Subsequently, acting on source information himself and party intercepted the truck bearing No NL-01/L-3660 at Rajen Chowpathy, searched the truck and found three (3) yellow/green colour synthetic sacks

Kotwali P.S Case No.628/17 dated 04.09.2017 u/s 21 (b) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of PSI Somenath Patowary of Kotwali P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 04.09.2017 at 13:35hrs vide Kotwali PS GD Entry No 215/17 dated 04.09.2017 (M.C.C No 1599/17 dtd 04/09/17) on source information complainant and other forces had been to the Durgabari Chowpathy P.N Road to work out source information (.) According to source information himself and party conducted raid at Durgabari Chowpathy P.N Road area (.) From where, complainant managed to arrest accused Hamidul Islam s/o Rejak Panati of Village-2 number Pubergram, Menka Char PO & PS Singimari, Dist. Dhubri, Assam and seized i) One (1) black colour bag contains 85 (Eighty five) bottles

Kotwali P.S Case No.593/17 dated 21.08.2017 u/s 20 (b)(ii)(C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of PSI Somnath Patwari, P.S. Kotwali, Coochbehar (.) On 21.08.17 at 17:35 hrs, the complainant and force detained one Mahindra Quenta C2 bearing No- WB 64 G/6928 loaded with 113 Kg Ganja and apprehended accused accused (1) Anup Dubey (24 Yrs) s/o Lt. Lalan Dubey of Chatur Bhagha, PS Jadavpur, Dist- Gopalganj (Bihar) (2) Aman Gupta (20 Yrs) s/o Lt. Rajesh Kr. Gupta of do (3) Pappu Kumar Yadav (22 Yrs) s/o Munni Lal Yadav of do (4) Joydev Sarkar (22 Yrs) s/o Sushil Sarkar of Chandamari, PS KOT/CBR (.) Four persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O SI Kajal Sarkar II (.) I/C Kotwali P.S supervised the case (.)

Dinhata P.S Case No.823/17 dated 31.08.2017 u/s 25(i)(a)/27 Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Raju Roy of Dinhata PS, Coochbehar (.) On 31.08.2017 at 13.05 hrs, on a tipoff, the complainant and force found accused Rejjak Hossain (32) S/O Samsul Hossain of Ward No. 16, P.S Dinhata, Coochbehar moving suspiciously at Boarding Para (.) On seeing Police vehicle, the accused fled away however SI Raju Roy and force managed to apprehend him (.) On search, recovered one Pistol engraved as ELEY Made in Italy with magazine from his waist (.) On demand he failed to produce any valid license or documents in support of possessing the said firearm (.) Hence it has been well established that, the accused person had obtained the said firearms illegally for illegal purpose (.) Accordingly SI Raju Roy seized the said firearms under proper seizure list and arrested the accused person (.) One person arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O SI M L Mondal (.) I/C Dinhata P.S supervised the case (.)

Ghoksadanga P.S Case No.198/17 dated 05.08.2017 u/s 20(b)(ii)(c) of NDPS Act has been started on the complaint of SI Malindra Nath Sen of Ghoksadanga PS, Coochbehar (.) On 05.08.17 to work out the information as per order of O.C Ghoksadanga PS he along with officer and force left for Ghoksadanga Himghar Chowpathy (.) At around 19.45 hrs when that vehicle bearing registration No- WB 73C/6006 arrived on that spot they tried to stop it by using guard rail but that vehicle did not stopped at that spot and the driver tried to fled away that vehicle (.) After a hot chase at last at 20.05 hrs he was able to detain the vehicle loaded with 206.99 Kg Ganja and apprehended the driver at Ruidanga More near BKD Girls High School, Ghoksadanga (.) On being asked the accused confessed that the vehicle was loaded with ganja which was taken from Akrahat side for clandestine disposal at Siliguri side for earning huge money (.) One person arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O SI B Bose (.) C.I Mathabhanga supervised the case (.)

Kotwali P.S Case No.580/17 dated 16.08.2017 u/s 20 (b)(ii) (C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of PSI Somnath Patowary of Kotwali P.S , Coochbehar (.) On 16.08.17 at 16:05 hrs PSI Somnath Patowary received source information that one Truck bearing No. WB 23 A/5932 being loaded with ganja at Chilkirhat Bazaar (.) With permission from I/C Kotwali PS, Coochbehar the complainant went to Chilkirhat Bazaar to work out the information (.) On reaching Chilkirhat Bazar the complainant found the said truck in loaded condition (.) He assembled some witnesses and narrated the information in hand who agree to help the police (.) In their presence the truck was searched and 315 Kg of ganja like article in 8 sacks along with 8 exhibit packets was found (.) Accordingly I/C Kotwali PS was informed and asked for making arrangement for providing Executive Magistrate or Gazetted officer for the process of search and seizure. After some time he arrived at the P.O and brought with him a weighing machine from the PS (.) In presence of IC Kotwali PS and witnesses the above noted articles were seized after weighing (.) As the No. plate of the vehicle is not of Coochbehar District it is clear that the driver and the owner of the vehicle had come from outside and had loaded the truck with the ganja like articles for its clandestine disposal at higher prices in far away palaces (.) So the seized articles brought at the PS and complaint lodged against the driver and owner of the vehicle

Sahebganj P.S Case No.95/17 dated 01.08.2017 u/s 20 (b) (II) of NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Dipojjal Bhowmick, O/C Sahebganj P.S, Coochbehar (.) On the tip off SI D. Bhowmick along with force placed a Naka at Tutiyar Kuthi under Sahebganj P.S. area and detained one white colour Mahindra Bolero car loaded with 40 Kg. of Ganja which was seized labelled and packed before the Executive Magistrate and arrested the accused Raju Hossain @ Rabbana S/O Tofajjal Hossain and one other (.) One person arrested (.)

Kotwali P.S Case No.524/17 dated 23.07.2017 u/s 20(b) (ii)(C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Bhabatosh Sarkar of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 23.07.2017 at 12:35 hrs, on a tipoff, the complainant and force apprehended accused (1) Amar Sanyashi (40year) S/O Haren Sanyashi (2) Sibendra Sarkar S/O Biswanath Sarkar both of Dewanbosh-Kutipara, P.S Kotwali, Coochbehar from the house of accused Amar Sanyashi with 204.650 Kg Ganja in a six synthetic sacks (.) The accused persons confessed that they dealing Ganja from their villages Dewanbosh, Falimari and CoochBehar local area to deliver customers and nexus persons to Siliguri and other places (.) On demand accused persons failed to produce any valid documents/license in support of possession said Ganja (.) Two persons arrested (.)

Mathabhanga P.S Case No.348/17 dated 07.07.2017 u/s 25(1- a )/27 Arms Act has been started on the complaint of SI Badhan Ch Roy, P.S. Mathabhanga, Coochbehar (.) In course of mobile duty he along with force had been to Golokganj Bazar to work out secret information vide Mathabhanga PS GDE No 349 Dt 07.07.17 and on being identified by the source detained one Dipak Biswas (24 yrs) S/O Mantu Biswas of Kawardera PS Mathabhanga Dist Coochbehar and on being search recovered and seized (i) one made in China fully iron made automatic Pistol having trigger, trigger guard, hammer , firing pin, slide, barrel, barrel catch, magazine, magazine catch, having gun no 41 noted in body and magazine and

Kotwali P.S Case No.495/17 dated 05.07.2017 u/s 20 (b)(ii)(C) NDPS Act has been started on the complaint of PSI Somnath Patwari of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 05.07.2017 at 12:35 hrs acting on source information the complainant along with other officers and forces had been to the Ghughumari near Mashanerpath, where found accused (1) Rubel Hossain @ Rahul (20year) S/O Galli Miah of 4 No, Panisala (2) Mojibal Hoque (24year) S/O Fazirul Miah of Ghughumari-Kadamtala (3) Sujan Karmakar (28year) S/O Late Sukhdev Karmakar of West Ghughumari (4) Shankar Shil (20year) S/O Bimal Shil of Dewanbosh-Charakerkuthi all under PS Kotwali Dist Coochbehar standing beside Dinhata/CoochBehar road with three (3) synthetic sacks and one motor cycle HERO HONDA GLAMOUR Black/Red without number plate Engine No-JA06EFBGM08775, Chasis No-MBLJA06EUBGM08028 (.) When they saw Police party tried to flee away from the spot but himself and force managed to apprehend and searched synthetic bags possessed by them, said synthetic sacks contains 42kg Ganja (.) So, complainant interrogated them, then they disclosed their name and address as noted above and confessed their guilt they are preparing to clandestine Ganja to their nexus persons to dispose Coochbehar and Siliguri (.) On demand they could not produce any relevant documents/License for the possession the said articles (.) So he informed to I/C Kotwali PS Coochbehar for Executive Magistrate to maintain procedure but he unable to arrange Executive Magistrate in the mean time (.) So, I/C Kotwali PS himself arrived at the spot (.) He offer accused person for his search but he denied it (.) In presence of I/C Kotwali PS Coochbehar, Complainant prepared the seizure list in presences of local witnesses and seized the articles as alamat of the case under proper seizure list from possession of the arrested persons, weighing all seized Ganja by Kotwali PS Electronic weighing machine brought by CVF/821 Saugata Ghosh of Kotwali PS and weighing by him (.) The complainant prepared the seizure list in presences of local witnesses under the direct supervision of I/C Kotwali police Station Coochbehar and seized articles as alamat of the case under proper seizure list obtaining signatures of the witnesses in the seizure list (.) Four persons arrested

Kotwali P.S Case No.464/17 dated 25.06.2017 u/s 22 (C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Hemant Sharma of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 25.06.17 at 17:15 hrs., SI Hemant Sharma of Kotwali PS, Cooch-Behar produced one arrested accused named, Tapan Kumar Debnath, 57 years, S/O Late Jagadish Chandra Debnath of NN Road By-lane, Ward No. 6, PS Kotwali, Cooch-Behar along with the seized 2600 bottles of Cough Syrup containing in 05 (five) nos. of Cartoons and lodge this suo-motto complaint against the accused person, namely, (1) Tapan Kumar Debnath, 57 years, S/O Late Jagadish Chandra Debnath of NN Road By-lane, Ward No. 6, PS Kotwali, Cooch-Behar and (2) Anirban Saha S/O Madhab Chandra Saha, Proprietor of Kamakhya Roadways, H.O. 7 Raj Mohan Street, Kolkata - 700073 to the effect that while working over the secret source information went to Kamakhya Roadways at NN Road By-lane, Ward No. 6, PS Kotwali, Cooch-Behar and found one Tapan Kumar Debnath, 57 years, S/O Late Jagadish Chandra Debnath there who is a Manager of the said office (.) Accordingly, the complainant asked noted Manager to show his go-down of Kamakhya Roadways located adjacent to the office of the Kamakhya Roadways. The complainant detained above noted Tapan Kumar Debnath, Manager of Kamakhya Roadways in front of the go-down and placed proper guard. Accordingly, SI Hemant Sharma informed the matter to Shri Samir Paul, IC Kotwali PS Cooch-Behar (.) On the information of complainant, IC Kotwali PS came to the spot and in his presence and in presence of the witnesses, the complainant directed the Manager of Kamakhya Roadways to open the lock of the go-down and searched the go-down and found 05 (five) nos. of Cartoons and 2600 nos. of cough syrup bottles contained in it (.) On being asked, the noted Manager failed to produce the documents in respect of the said cough syrup and also failed to disclose the particulars of the consignee of the said goods (.) Accordingly, the complainant seized five cartoons of cough syrup containing 2600 bottle of cough syrup styled as WIN CEREX and arrested the accused Tapan Kumar Debnath at 16:55 hrs (.) On arrival at P.S., the complainant lodge this suo-motto complaint against ((1) Tapan Kumar Debnath, 57 years, S/O Late Jagadish Chandra Debnath of NN Road By-lane, Ward No. 6, PS Kotwali, Cooch-Behar and (2) Anirban Saha S/O Madhab Chandra Saha, Proprietor of Kamakhya Roadways, H.O. 7 Raj Mohan Street, Kolkata - 700073 for the offence the accused persons have committed (.) One person arrested (.)

Ghoksadanga P.S Case No.148/17 dated 18.06.2017 u/s 411/414 IPC R/E Sec 11(i)(d) of Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Ashok Majumder, P.S. Ghoksadanga, Coochbehar (.) On 18-06-17 myself along with force were performing evening mobile duty. Accordingly, he alon gwith force left PS at 14.05 hrs for performing the duty (.) At about 17.15 hrs, while performing mobile duty at Atpukuri under Ghoksadanga Dist. Cooch Behar, myself found one vehicle bearing registration no. WB 63/8818 loaded with cattle travelling from New Changrabandha side towards Hindustan More side (.) Accordingly, he along with force detained the vehicle and apprehended accused (1) Manirul Haque (23 yrs) s/o Nur Husen Mia of Sutkabari (Kalabarirghat), PS Kotwali Dist. Cooch Behar (driver of vehicle no. WB 63/8818) and 02 others (.) On interrogation, they disclosed their names and addresses as noted above and they also stated that the vehicle was loaded with cattle and they were transporting the same from Jateswar to Nishiganj (.) On search found that the vehicle was loaded with 10 (ten) cattle of different sizes and colours being tied over their neck and legs in a very cruel manner and jam-packed in a very limited space (.) On demand they failed to produce any valid document for carrying the said cattle (.) So, there arose sufficient reason that they had received the cattle by some stolen means and secretly transporting them for their clandestine disposal (.) Accordingly, he seized the said pickup van vehicle along with 10 (ten) cattle of different sizes and colours under proper seizure list in presence of witnesses (.) Three persons arrested

Kotwali P.S Case No.453/17 dated 18.06.2017 u/s 20(b)(ii)(c) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Kajal Sarkar of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 18.06.17 at 13:55 hrs received a secret source information that one Sanath Sarkar(32 years) s/o Subaran Sarkar of Bramhattar Kasaldanga P.O Akrahat P.S Kotwali/Coochbehar has illegally stocked Ganja in his house with a view to sell the same to one outsider and he also informed that both persons now in the house of noted Sanath Sarkar (.) The complainant along with forces at 15:50 hrs reached at the spot i.e Bramhattar Kasaldanga, and they cordoned the house and contacted with local available witnesses as per source information and found aforesaid persons and three (3) suspected sacks in this house (.) On interrogation, they disclosed their name and address as noted above and accused Sanat Sarkar admitted that he stocked the three sack of Ganja in his house for selling to the accused Biswanath Roy (50 Years ) s/o Lt. Ganu Roy of Hazipur, P.S Bidyupur , Dist: Baishali, Bihar (.) Accused Biswa nath Roy also admitted that he purchase the same for clandestine disposal of the said ganja to Bihar (.) Later on the complainant informed the matter to I/C Kotwali P.S and requestion him to requisite an Executive Magistrate for the process of search & seizure and he also informed the matter to SI Pritam Sing Chhettri of Malkhana Officer of Kotwali P.S for weighing machine (.) Due to unablability of Executive Magistrate, I/C Kotwali PS himself arrived at the spot at 16:05 hrs and this time SI Pritam Sing Chhettri, Malkhana Officer of Kotwali P.S also arrived at the spot with weighing machine (.) After that one requisition was given to the apprehended persons and offers them for searched to the police personnel but they denied the same (.) After that in the presence of I/C Kotwali PS and local witnesses the complainant searched the said sacks and found 66.200 kg Ganja like substance inside the sacks and on being asked they could not produce any Documents/License in respect of possession of the said Ganja (.) In presence of I/C Kotwali PS Coochbehar and local witnesses the complainant seized the said ganja by preparing seizure list weighing all seized Ganja by Kotwali PS Electronic weighing machine brought by SI Pritam Sing Chhetri of Kotwali PS and weighing by him (.) Total seizing and labeling procedure done in between 16:15 hrs to 17:10 hrs, after that the complainant arrested them at 17:15 hrs (.) Two persons arrested

Started the above noted case on the basis of written complaint of ASI Deepak Thapa of Tufanganj PS, Coochbehar against Sandip Sahani s/o Lt Upendra Sahani of Nayatolathinghariya, PS Korchili, Dist- Kathiar, Bihar and two others to the effect that, on 12.06.17 at about 13.05 hrs, received a source information that, one 10(ten) wheeler truck bearing Reg. No NL 01/ 2656 duly loaded with teak and other wood is coming from Boxirhat side and heading towards Tufanganj side through Raidak Bridge. To work out the information, complainant and other officer force left PS after diarizing the matter at PS GD Book. On arrival near Raidak Bridge, PS Tufanganj, Coochbehar, complainant along with his team ambushed there. After some time a ten wheeler truck bearing registration number NL 01/ 2656 has been seen coming from Boxirhat side and heading towards Tufanganj. Complainant along with his team somehow managed to apprehend the vehicle which was found covered with blue plastic sheet. Then the above noted person was apprehended who disclosed his name and address, as noted above. Complainant also called local witnesses to remain present with the police during the search and seizure. Then in presence of local witnesses and police personnel, complainant removed the plastic sheet and searched said vehicle and found huge amount of wood loaded in the vehicle. On demand accused person could not be produced any document for possessing said huge quantity of wood. On interrogation truck driver disclosed that he and his associates namely (i) Arun Kumar Pandey (owner of Truck bearing Reg No NL 01/ 2656) of Kolkata, (ii) Mukesh (owner of wood) of Guwahati, Assam, have been dealing of stolen wood since long and smuggling it to other places of West Bengal and Bihar to their clandestine disposal. On further interrogation he also stated that, Arun Kumar Pandey and Mukesh have prepared a forged challan of bamboo cut-pieces intent to cheat police and others. Thereafter complainant counted the wood and found the total nos. of 105 (one hundred five) pieces of block size seems to Champ timber (34 pieces) and block size of seems to Teak timber (71 pieces) were kept inside the truck. Hence, complainant seized said huge quantity of wood preparing proper seizure list duly signed by witnesses as well as the accused driver and thereafter I labeled the seized articles. Then complainant arrested the above noted accused person. Complainant also received valuation certificate after assessment of value and quality of the seized wood from beat officer, forest dept. thus the accused persons have dishonestly received the wood which is stolen from the forest and assisting in concealment of said stolen property and also prepared forged documents intent to cheat others.

Started Kotwali PS Case No. 442/17, dated. 11.06.2017 U/S 20 ( b) (ii) NDPS Act. On 11.06.2017 at 17.25 hrs. SI Pabitra Barman of Kotwali PS produced arrested person named Zinnadur Rahaman @ Zinna ( 22 yrs ) S/O Boksed Raheman of Panishala PO. Ghughumari PS. Kotwali Dist. Cooch Behar along with seized alamats. (1) Total three ( 3 ) bundles of Ganja total weighting 31.030 kg ( Thirty one kilo thirty grams ) 01 motor cycle bearing no WB -64 / C

Kotwali P.S Case No.427/17 dated 04.06.2017 u/s 20(b)(ii)(C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of PSI Rahul Talukder of Kotwali P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 04.06.2017 at 14:15 hrs acting on source information, the complainant along with other officers and forces had been to Akrahat near petrol pump and identified the truck from a considerable distance at 15:15 hrs they intercepted one vehicle white & brown colour

Sahebganj P.S Case No.20/17 dated 13.05.2017 u/s 21 NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of A.S.I. A.P. Roy of Nayarhat I/C, P.S. Sahebganj, Coochbehar (.) On 12.05.17 at 21.05 hrs during Naka checking at Karola, A.S.I. A. P. Roy of Nayarhat I/C arrested one Mafijul Hoque S/O Abdul Rahim Sekh of Sukarurkuti and seized 99 bottles of phensedyl from his possession (.) One person arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O S.I. Bijan Bose (.) CI Dinhata supervised the case (.)

Sahebganj P.S Case No.30/17 dated 22.05.2017 u/s 379/411 IPC r/w Sec 20(b)(ii) of NDPS Act and sec 25(1A) of Arms Act. has been started on the complaint of Insp. Hatim Khan, COY Commander of G coy, 101 Bn BSF, BOP Dighaltari, P.S. Sahebganj, Coochbehar (.) On 21.05.17 at 21.21 hrs, during ambush at BP no. 975/4S the complainant and his team recovered one motorcycle without registration number, 3 kg cannabis, one country made firearms loaded with 1 round ammunition, one 9 mm pistol with magazine loaded with 4 rounds ammunition (.) Four accused namely Habibul Hassan, Akbar Ali both of Soldhukri, Balarampur and Tamsen Hussain and Taibul Hussain of Balarampur are suspected in this case

Kotwali P.S Case No.388/17 dated 13.05.2017 u/s 20(b)(ii)(b) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of LPSI Sonam Maheshwari of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 13.05.2017 at 13:35 hrs, the complainant and force apprehended accused Aruna Halder (33year) W/O Late Manik Halder of vill:Kalmegha P.O: Bashgara P.S Lalgola Dist: Murshidabad with 10.355 kg Ganja at Cooch Behar Town NBSTC bus Terminus (.) The accused person was carrying the Ganja illegally for clandestine disposal to Lalgola, Baharampore and other places (.) One person arrested

Kotwali P.S Case No.394/17 dated 14.05.2017 u/s 20 (b) (ii) (C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Hemant Sharma of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 14.05.17 at 14:25 hrs, the complainant and force detained accused Md. Kamaal (44 years) S/O BajluRahaman of Sastrinagar, Rani Garden, P.S Gita Colony, Old Delhi

Kotwali P.S Case No.376/17 dated 08.05.2017 u/s 20 (b) (ii) (C) NDPS Act. R/W Sec. 379/411/414 IPC. R/W Sec 12 of cattle licensing Act. 1959 & R/W Sec 11 (d) (e) of Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act- 1960. has been started on the complaint of PSI Rahul Talukder of Kotwali P.S., Coochbehar (.) On 08.05.2017 at 13:45 hrs acting on source information the complainant and other officer and forces had been to Uttar Nababganj Balashi near petrol pump, On reaching there they intercepted one (1) Vehicle Bolero Pick-up van (White Colour) bearing WB-63/A-2536 proceeding towards Dinhata from Cooch Behar side loaded with cattle and Ganja by accused (1) Azidul Hoque (38year) S/O Late Hanif Miah of Uttar Nababganj Balashi PS Kotwali Coochbehar (2) Sahajan Miah (32year) S/O Jahiruddin Miah of Dakshin Nababganj Balashi PS Kotwali Cooch Behar (.) After seeing the police party they tried to flee away but somehow they managed to apprehend them except the driver of vehicle, he managed to flee away from the spot and on interrogation they disclosed their Identity and on search, found aforesaid cattle and a suspicious white colour sack which was lying at the corner of the vehicle, on search the sake, seized one (1) bundles of Ganja total weighing 22 kgs and 100 grms (Twenty two kgs and Hundred grams ) iii) 11 (Eleven) No. of Cattle. On demand they could not produce any relevant documents/License for the possession the said articles (.) Aforesaid arrested accused persons confessed, they are involved in dealing and transporting Ganja and cattle from Dewanhat and adjacent village area to deliver the same to their prospective buyers and customers at Indo - Bangladesh Border and other places (.) Two persons arrested (.)

Kotwali P.S Case No.375/17 dated 08.05.2017 u/s 379/411/414 IPC has been started on the complaint of SI Hemant Sharma of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 08.5.17 at 15:15 hrs. acting on source information the complainant along with other officer and force had been to Sunsungi Bazar and ambushed there (.) At about 16:05 hrs. the complainant detained 02 vehicles bearing Regd. Nos WB 72/TC- 0576 Maruti Omni Van & TATA ACE WB 71B

Kotwali P.S Case No.355/17 dated 01.05.2017 u/s 20 (b)(ii)(C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Bhabatosh Sarkar of Kotwali P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 01.05.17 at 13:05 hrs, the complainant and force apprehended accused Natabar Barman (22 yrs) S/O Lt. Nalin Barman of Chekadara, Balarampur, P.S Tufanganj with 25.350 Kgs Ganja at NBSTC bus Terminus, near Bhabani Cinema hall (.) The accused person procured the Ganja from village Chekadera and other local area illegally and was carrying for clandestine disposal to Siliguri, Bihar and other places (.) One person arrested (.) Investigation proceeding

Mathabhanga P.S Case No.232/17 dated 30.04.2017 u/s 413/414 IPC R/W Sec 11(i) (d) Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act R/W sec 47(A)/49(A)/51/52/56 of the transport of Animal rules R/W Sec 20(b)(ii)(c) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of ASI Mohan Ch Barman of Mathabhanga P.S, Coochbehar (.) On the night of 29/30.04.17 at about 00.35hrs, the complainant and force detained two Bolero Pickup vans bearing Reg. No WB 63 7492 & WB 63 6420 at Kowardera loaded with 10 cattle, 5 cattle in each vehicle and total 21.525 kg ganja but the driver of the vehicles managed to flee away. Investigation proceeding (.)

On 28.04.2017 S.I. Sankar Saha started case against owner and driver of 1. White color pickup van vehicle without number plate. Engine No. 275IDIO6AYY811632 & Chassis No. MAT445056BUA05323 and 2. Black color Maruti Suzuki Alto vehicle Bearing Registration No. WB



Mekhliganj P.S Case No.85/17 dated 15.04.2017 u/s 379/411/413 IPC R/W 12 of WB Cattle Licensing Act And R/W Sec 11(i)(d) of Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Lakhiram Karjee of Mekhliganj P.S, Coochbehar (.) On the source information the complainant detained one Bollero pikup van bearing registration no. WB71A 2956 loaded with 16 calves at Takahar Balarbari and apprehended accused (i) Nabiul Alam age 24 years S/O Lt. Mojammel Haque of Bhimtia, Baroghoria Anchal PS- Dhupguri, Dist- Jalpaiguri and 02 others (.) On demand they failed to produce any valid documents in respect of above noted calves (.) Three persons arrested (.)

Boxirhat P.S Case No.62/17 dated 15.04.2017 u/s 379/411 IPC R/W Sec 11 (d) (e) Prevention of cruelty to Animal Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Matiur Rahaman of Boxirhat P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 15.04.17 at about 22.15 hrs, the complainant and force detained one truck bearing Reg.No.AS-17 B/ 6764 loaded with 22 cattle at Joraimore and apprehended accused (i) Asgar Ali (43) S/O Lt. Subhan Ali of Tiamari, PO+ PS--Gouripur, Dist- Dhubri (Assam) (ii) Kashmira Khan (50) S/O Lt. Maiju Khan of Aktagote, PS- Barginia and Dist- Setamari (.) The accused persons failed to produce any documents in respect of the cattle (.) The cattle were procured fraudulently from elsewhere and transporting in a cruel manner (.) Two persons arrested (.)

Kotwali P.S Case No.317/17 dated 15.04.2017 u/s 20 (b)(ii)(C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Rafayet Hassan of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 15.04.2017 at 13:45 hrs, on a tipoff, the complainant and force apprehended accused (i) Ranak Singh (35Yrs) S/o Late Indal Singh (ii) Shiba Sha (25year) S/O Late Bagan Sha (iii) Dipesh Singh (19year) S/O Prem Singh all of Chruripatty PS Kishanganj Dist Kishanganj Bihar at Sungsungi Bazar and seized 42.905 kg Ganja which was carrying illegally for clandestine disposal to Siliguri, Bihar and other places (.) Three persons arrested (.




Started Kotwali PS Case No. 304/17, Dated. 12.04.2017 U/S 25( 1


Boxirhat P.S Case No.59/17 dated 10.04.2017 u/s 379/411 IPC R/W Sec. 11(i)(a)(h) of Prevention of Cruelty of Animal Act. has been started on the complaint of PSI Samir Tamang of Boxirhat P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 10.04.2017 at about 13.05 hrs, during evening mobile duty at Vandijelas, P.S. Boxirhat, the complainant and other force of Boxirhat P.S apprehended accused i) Mainul Ali s/o Kajerul Ali of Bhanukumari, P.S Boxirhat, Coochbehar ii) Anwar Ali s/o Khaibor Ali of Bhanukumari, P.S Boxirhat, Coochbehar (.) On demand, the accused persons failed to produce any valid documents in respect to the cattle (.) Having reason to believe that the cattle were procured fraudulently from elsewhere and transporting in a cruel manner the complainant seized the 7 no

Kotwali P.S Case No.289/17 dated 10.04.2017 u/s 20 (b)(ii)(C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Partha Ghosh of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 10.04.2017 at 13:25 hrs, the complainant and force raided the house of accused Raghunath Sarkar (25 Yrs) S/o Ratan Sarkar of Dewanbosh, Maghpala, P.S Kotwali and seized 2 Quintal 26 Kg 400 Grams Ganja which was stored illegally to deliver customers and nexus persons to Siliguri and other places (.) One person arrested (.)

Kotwali P.S Case No.284/17 dated 08.04.2017 u/s 379/411/414 IPC. R/W Section 12 of Cattle licensing Act 1959. has been started on the complaint of ASI Prasunjit Barua of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 08.04.2017 at 18.45 hrs, the complainant and force apprehended accused i) Akbar Hossain S/O Lt. Abdul Gofur of Chilakhana (ii) Basir Sk. S/O Ajal Sk of Natabari (iii) Saidul Sk. S/O Jamal Sk of vill: Uttar Jaikin, Chilakhana (iv) Habibar Mondal S/O Soraf Ali Mondal of Chat Chilakahana all of PS: Tufanganj Dist: Coochbehar with 45 cattle at Ghorgoria Bridge, Kapaidanga (.) The accused persons procured the cattle fraudulently from elsewhere (.) Four persons arrested (.)

Kotwali P.S Case No.283/17 dated 08.04.2017 u/s 20(b) (ii) (C) NDPS Act. has been started on the complaint of SI Fulen Roy of Kotwali PS, Coochbehar (.) On 08.04.2017 at 15:00 hrs, on a tipoff, the complainant and force detained Maruti car bearing No. WB 74-R/8931 loaded with total 126.095 Kg Ganja alongwith two motorcycles bearing no. WB-86/A-3253 Pulsar, Blue/Black Colour, WB-64-C/7125 at Baghmara on SH-12/A and apprehended Maruti Car driver Indrajit Roy (20year) S/o Haribandhu Roy of No 2 Maghpala PS Sitalkuichi Cooch Behar while three others managed to flee from the spot (.) The accused persons procured the Ganja from Maghpala village with a view to deliver it to Beharampur, Siliguri Bihar and other places (.) One person arrested (.)

Kotwali P.S Case No.272/17 dated 06.04.2017 u/s 379/411/414 IPC. R/W Section 12 of Cattle Licensing Act 1959. has been started on the complaint of SI Sanjib Sarkar of Pundibari OP, P.S. Kotwali, Coochbehar (.) On 05.04.2017 at 23.25 hrs, the complainant along with other officers and forces of Pundibari Police Out Post under Kotwali Police Station Coochbehar had been to Uttar Kala Royer Kuthi adjacent to Shooting Camp Bazar to work out information (.) Where found huge no

On the intervening night of 26 -27/3/17 at anytime, an unknown miscreants stolen away 22 nos. of LED TV and 4 nos of Home Theatre Music System from the electronic shop styled 'Narayan Cabinet ' at BS Road (uttar) , PS KOT/CBR. Over the complaint of Dipankar Sutradhar of Takagachh, PS KOT /CBR started Kotwali PS Case No. 240/17 dt 27.3.17 u/'s 461/379 IPC. ASI DR Deb was endorsed for its investigation. During investigation, on 2.4.17 a team of Kotwali PS police hold raid and arrested 4 persons, namely, 1. Maznu Hoque, 2. Majidul Hoque, 3. Ahmed Hossain & 4. Anarul Hoque, all of Takagachh PS KOT /CBR and recovered 80% stolen articles. Rest articles are under process of recovery. The vehicle no. WB 63 8526 which was used for committing the offence is also recovered and driver is arrested who is one of the gang members. The arrested persons will be produced before ld court on 3.4.17 and will be taken into PC.

Kotwali P.S Case No.239/17 dated 27.03.2017 u/s 379/411/414 IPC. R/W Sec 12 of cattle licensing Act. 1959 & R/W Sec 11 (d) (e) of Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act- 1960. has been started on the complaint of SI Sanjib Sarkar of Pundibari Police Out Post under Kotwali P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 26.03.2017 at 17.25 hrs, the complainant and force had been to Bashdahanatibari village to work out information where found two (2) above noted vehicles (Bolero Pick-up) bearing No WB-63/4424, WB-73-D/5678 loaded with 50 (fifty) calves detained by local villagers but the drivers namely (1) Ainul Hoque S/O Habibul Miah of Kolarbarirghat-Suktabari PS Kotwali CoochBehar (2) Manoranjan Barman S/O Chandra Barman of Alokjhari-Petla PS Dinhata absconded from the spot (.) The cattle were procured by fraudulent means and transporting in cruel manner (.) Accordingly, the complainant seized 50 calves alongwith two vehicles (.)

Mathabhanga P.S Case No.171/17 dated 25.03.2017 u/s 411/414 IPC R/W Sec 11(i)(d) Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act R/W Sec 47A/49A/51/52/56 of The Transport of Animal Rules has been started on the complaint of ASI Ganga Prasad Barman of Nishiganj Outpost under P.S. Mathabhanga, Coochbehar (.) On 25.03.2017 around 13.35 hrs, the complainant and force detained one vehicle bearing no. AS-16C/6406 loaded with 16 cattle at Khejurtala More and apprehended accused Fulchand Ali s/o Sahamat Ali of Roykosani, Garopara, P.S Farney, Dist. Goalpara, Assam (.) The accused person was carrying the cattle illegally (.) One person arrested

Sitalkuchi P.S Case No.45/17 dated 22.03.2017 u/s 379/411/413 IPC R/W Sec. 11(ii)d prevention of cruelty animals act. has been started on the complaint of ASI Uttam Dutta of Sitalkuchi P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 22.03.2017 around 14.05 hrs, the complainant and force apprehended five accused persons with 17 cattle at Bhatarhat area (.) The cattle were procured by fraudulent means from elsewhere and passing in a cruel manner (.) Accordingly, the complainant seized 17 cattle (.) Five persons arrested

Ghoksadanga P.S Case No.66/17 dated 21.03.2017 u/s 411/414 IPC R/W Sec. 11 (i)(a) of Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act. has been started on the complaint of ASI Raghunath Barman of Ghoksadanga P.S, Coochbehar (.) On 21.03.2017 at about 18.05 hrs during mobile duty ASI Raghunath Barman and force detained one vehicle bearing no. WB-73D/5786 loaded with 10 calves at Kheti Ghat and apprehended accused i) Abdul Latif s/o Abubakkar Siddique of Bhotpara, P.S Dhupguri Dist. Japlaiguri (driver of vehicle no. WB 73D/5786) ii) Sanjit Roy Majhi s/o Debeswar Roy Majhi of Balashi Kaowartari P.S Mekhliganj Dist. Cooch Behar and iii) Sanjoy Barman s/o Indra Barman of Gopalpur P.S Mathabhanga Dist Coochbehar (.) The accused persons failed to produce any valid document in respect of the cattle (.) Accordingly, the complainant seized 10 calves alongwith the vehicle (.) Three persons arrested (.) Investigation proceeding (.) I.O ASI S Dhar (.) C.I Mathabhanga supervised the case (.)

On 16.03.2017 at 10.35 hrs after getting a secret information SI Rahul Talukdar along with other officer and forces had been to the house of accused Subal Sarkar (55) s/o lt. Bhuluram Sarkar of Rajpur , Chandamari PS- Kotwali Dist- Cooch Behar & found that huge quantity of Ganja has been kept in his house in 03 no of white colored synthetic sack & 01 sealed packet wrapped by red color . Accordingly the complainant and others seized 112 kgS of Ganja after maintaining all formalities and arrested aforesaid accused person. Over this complain started Kotwali PS case no 203/17 dated. 16.03.2017 u/s 20 (b) (ii) ( c) NDPS Act . Investigation proceeding .

on 10.03.2017 at about 18.05 hrs after getting a secret source information SI Rajesh Gurung along with other officer and forces had been to the house of accused Bijoy Das s/o lt Khudiram Das of purba kalpani 05 no ps - kotwali Dist- coochbehar & found that huge quantity of Ganja has been kept in his house in 04 no .of synthetic sack.Accordingly said officers seized 64.05 kgs of Ganja after maintaining all formalities and arrested aforesaid accused person. Over this complain started Kotwali PS case 188/17 dt- 10.03.2017 u/s 20 (b)(ii)( c) of NDPS Act . Investigation is proceeding .



Ref :- Kotwali PS case no 664/14 dt 18.07.2014 u/s 489 (B) /489 ( C ) IPC . Acting upon source information cash of Rs. 1400,000/-( fourteen Lakhs) fake currency was seized from the possession of three persons of Malda District, West Bengal.

Ref. - Kotwali PS case no 892/15 dt 04.09.2014 u/s 25(1

Ref Ghoksadanga Ps case no 330/15 dt 10.11.2015 u/s 302/201 IPC. In this case to unknown dead bodies with cut throat injury were found lying beside NH 31 near new Changrabandha chekpost. During investigation the case was detected & the culprits were apprehended


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